英语学院硕士研究生论文开题报告格式 篇一
Title: The Impact of Task-based Language Teaching on English as a Second Language Learners
Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) has gained significant attention in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) due to its learner-centered approach and focus on communication skills. This research aims to investigate the impact of TBLT on English as a second language (ESL) learners in the context of the English Language Institute at XYZ University.
Research Questions:
1. How does TBLT influence ESL learners' speaking proficiency?
2. What are the effects of TBLT on ESL learners' motivation towards learning English?
3. To what extent does TBLT promote ESL learners' autonomous learning skills?
This research will adopt a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The participants will consist of 50 ESL learners from the intermediate level at the English Language Institute. The study will be conducted over a period of 12 weeks, during which participants will engage in various task-based activities designed to enhance their speaking skills. Pre- and post-tests will be administered to measure learners' speaking proficiency. Additionally, questionnaires and interviews will be conducted to gather learners' perceptions of TBLT and its impact on their motivation and autonomous learning skills.
Expected Results:
It is anticipated that TBLT will have a positive impact on ESL learners' speaking proficiency, as they will have ample opportunities to practice their language skills through communicative tasks. The research also expects that TBLT will enhance learners' motivation, as the learner-centered approach fosters a sense of ownership and relevance in their language learning process. Furthermore, it is anticipated that TBLT will promote learners' autonomous learning skills, as they will be required to make decisions, set goals, and reflect on their own learning progress.
This research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on TBLT by providing empirical evidence on its effectiveness in the context of ESL learners. The findings can inform English language teachers and curriculum developers on the benefits of incorporating TBLT into their teaching practices. Additionally, this study can help ESL learners understand the importance of task-based activities in improving their language proficiency, motivation, and autonomous learning skills.
This research proposal outlines the plan to investigate the impact of TBLT on ESL learners' speaking proficiency, motivation, and autonomous learning skills. By utilizing a mixed-methods approach, this study aims to provide comprehensive insights into the effects of TBLT in the context of the English Language Institute at XYZ University.
英语学院硕士研究生论文开题报告格式 篇二
Title: Investigating the Role of Culture in English Language Teaching in International Classrooms
With the increasing globalization and multiculturalism in educational settings, the role of culture in English language teaching (ELT) has become a topic of great significance. This research aims to explore the impact of culture on ELT in international classrooms, specifically focusing on the English Language Institute at XYZ University.
Research Questions:
1. How does culture influence English language learning in international classrooms?
2. What are the challenges faced by English language teachers in incorporating culture in their teaching practices?
3. What strategies can be employed to effectively integrate culture into ELT in international classrooms?
This research will adopt a qualitative research design, utilizing interviews and classroom observations as the primary data collection methods. Participants will include English language teachers and international students from the English Language Institute at XYZ University. The study will be conducted over a period of 8 weeks, during which teachers' perceptions, challenges, and strategies related to integrating culture in ELT will be explored. Classroom observations will provide insights into the actual implementation of cultural elements in the English language classroom.
Expected Results:
It is expected that culture plays a significant role in English language learning in international classrooms, as it influences learners' language use, comprehension, and overall language skills. The research also anticipates that English language teachers face challenges in incorporating culture due to limited resources, time constraints, and varying cultural backgrounds of students. However, it is expected that strategies such as using authentic materials, promoting intercultural communication, and incorporating cultural activities will effectively integrate culture into ELT and enhance students' language learning experience.
This research aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the role of culture in ELT in international classrooms. The findings can inform English language teachers and curriculum developers on the importance of integrating culture into their teaching practices. Additionally, this study can help international students understand the significance of culture in language learning and develop intercultural competence, which is crucial for their future academic and professional success in multicultural environments.
This research proposal outlines the plan to investigate the role of culture in ELT in international classrooms. Through qualitative data collection methods, this study aims to provide insights into the influence of culture on English language learning, as well as the challenges and strategies associated with incorporating culture in ELT.
英语学院硕士研究生论文开题报告格式 篇三
目 录
一、 开题报告
1、 总述
2、 提纲
3、 要求
4、 范例
1、 论文内容
1) 引论
2) 理论概述
3) 研究方法
4) 个案研究
5) 分析讨论
6) 结论
2、 论文形式
1) 语言
2) 论文各部分的顺序
3) 引文形式
4) 字数要求
5) 定义
6) 图表
3、 排版格式
1) 封面
2) 格式
附录1- 开题报告范例
附录2- 引文范例
附录3- 参考文献范例
附录4- 封面范例
前 言
1 总述
2 提纲
3 参考文献
4 要求
5 范例
1 论文内容
1) 引论
2) 理论概述
3) 研究方法
4) 个案研究
5) 分析讨论
6) 结论
2 论文形式
(1) 提要:中英文对应,中文在前,英文在后;提要文尾应列出论文关键词,不少于三个;提要的篇幅不少于一页。
(2) 鸣谢:除向对论文有过具体指导帮助的人员致谢外,还应向论文所使用的各种文献的作者表示感谢。
(3) 目录:目录应详细,可分多级标题;为便于查阅,各级标题都应包括在目录内;目录后还可列有图表清单、缩略语清单等(如果有)。
(4) 正文:包括以上第1部分“论文内容”所述的各项内容。
(5) 注释:可采用尾注,也可采用脚注,二者仅择其一,不必重复。
(6) 参考文献:凡论文中所引用、引述、或以其他方式参考过的文献资料均应列于参考文献,应分别列出英文文献和中文文献,英文文献的排列以作者姓氏首字母为序;中文文献的排列以作者姓氏汉语拼音首字母为序。各条顺序为:姓氏、(英文姓氏后面应以逗号隔开)名字、文献名、(如系杂志,此处为杂志名,并注明第几期)出版地、出版者、出版年代。如系翻译、编辑等非原创著作,需在姓名后加括号注明。(参见附录2)
3) 引文形式
4) 字数要求:论文应不少于二万英文词,按本规范要求的字号行距排定后,总篇幅应在六十页左右。
5) 定义:如果使用术语和缩略语较多,并且在论文中使用这些词语的某一规定性意义,可先将这些术语和缩略语定义或释义。
6) 图表:如需使用图示、表格,可插在正文提及该图表的地方。两个图表以上须编号:如表1、表2……;图1、图2……。如图表过大、过多,且仅用作参考,可作为附录集中置于文尾。
3 排版格式
1) 封面
2) 格式
(1) 标题:各级标题一律用黑体字。一级标题居中,二级以下各标题左对齐。
(2) 正文:正文左右两边都对齐。
(3) 页码:页码一律居中。
(4) 字号字体:除封面外,论文应使用英文Times New Roman 11号字体或其他正楷11号字,不可使用花体字;书名、文献名等作品名称应使用斜体字。注解用9号以下字体。
(5) 行距:正文行距1.5倍。
(6) 段落格式:
凡本文未包括事项,请参照“MLA格式指南及学术出版准则”第二版(上海外语教育出版社,2001)、“Publication Manual, APA”最新版,以及一般英文论文写作惯例。