
英文论文排版格式 篇一

Introduction to English Paper Formatting


In this paper, we will provide an overview of the formatting guidelines for English papers. Proper formatting plays a crucial role in enhancing the readability and professionalism of an academic paper. We will cover various aspects of formatting, including the title page, font and spacing, headings, citations, and reference list.

Title Page:

The title page should include the title of the paper, the author's name, the affiliated institution, and the date of submission. The title should be centered and written in bold, while the author's name and institution should be centered below the title. The date of submission is usually placed at the bottom of the page.

Font and Spacing:

The font used in an English paper should be a standard, easily readable font such as Times New Roman or Arial. The font size should be 12 points. It is recommended to use double spacing throughout the entire paper, including the main text, citations, and references.


Headings are essential for organizing the content of the paper. The main heading, or title of the paper, should be centered and written in bold. Subheadings should be left-aligned and written in bold or italics. Use a consistent formatting style for all headings and subheadings.


In-text citations should be included whenever information or ideas from other sources are used. The citation style will depend on the academic discipline or the preference of the instructor. Common citation styles include APA, MLA, and Chicago. Ensure that all citations are properly formatted and include the necessary information, such as the author's name, year of publication, and page number.

Reference List:

A reference list is a compilation of all the sources cited in the paper. It should be arranged alphabetically by the author's last name. Each reference entry should include the author's name, title of the source, publication date, and other relevant information depending on the type of source. The reference list should be double-spaced and have a hanging indent.


Proper formatting is crucial for presenting an English paper in a professional and organized manner. By following the guidelines for title pages, font and spacing, headings, citations, and reference lists, students can ensure that their papers are visually appealing and meet the required academic standards.

英文论文排版格式 篇二

Advanced English Paper Formatting Techniques


This paper provides an in-depth exploration of advanced formatting techniques for English papers. In addition to the basic formatting guidelines covered in the previous paper, we will discuss more complex aspects of formatting, including tables and figures, footnotes and endnotes, and appendices. These advanced techniques can greatly enhance the visual appeal and clarity of an academic paper.

Tables and Figures:

Tables and figures are effective tools for presenting data and illustrations. They should be numbered consecutively and have a descriptive title. All tables and figures should be mentioned and discussed in the main text. The source of the table or figure should be provided, along with any necessary notes or explanations.

Footnotes and Endnotes:

Footnotes and endnotes are used to provide additional information or explanations that are not included in the main text. Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page, while endnotes are placed at the end of the paper. Both should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Use superscript numbers within the main text to indicate the corresponding footnotes or endnotes.


Appendices are used to provide supplementary material that is not essential to the main text but may be helpful for further understanding or reference. Each appendix should be labeled with a letter (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B) and have a descriptive title. Appendices should be included after the reference list and before any additional materials such as acknowledgments or author biography.


By incorporating advanced formatting techniques such as tables and figures, footnotes and endnotes, and appendices, English papers can become more visually appealing and informative. These techniques allow for the effective presentation of data, additional explanations, and supplementary materials, thereby enhancing the overall quality and impact of the paper.

英文论文排版格式 篇三

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  • 论文自述 推荐度:

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  • 本科毕业论文论文致谢 推荐度:
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