
希望之星英语风采大赛即兴演讲题目 篇一

Title: The Power of Dreams

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to talk about the power of dreams. Dreams are the fuel that ignites our passion, propels us forward, and gives us hope. They are the driving force behind every great accomplishment in history.

Dreams have the power to inspire and transform lives. Look at the great leaders, inventors, and artists of our time. They all started with a dream. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream of equality and justice. Steve Jobs had a dream of creating innovative technology that would change the world. Picasso had a dream of expressing his innermost thoughts and emotions through art.

Dreams give us a sense of purpose and direction. They provide us with a vision of what we want to achieve in life. Without dreams, life becomes monotonous and meaningless. Dreams give us something to strive for, something to work towards. They push us out of our comfort zone and encourage us to take risks.

But dreams are not just about personal success. They can also be a force for social change and progress. Throughout history, dreamers have challenged the status quo and fought for a better world. They have dared to imagine a future that is more just, more peaceful, and more sustainable. It is these dreamers who have shaped the course of history and made the world a better place.

So, how can we harness the power of dreams in our own lives? Firstly, we must dare to dream big. We must allow ourselves to imagine the impossible and believe in our ability to make it happen. Secondly, we must take action. Dreams without action are merely fantasies. We must set goals, make plans, and work hard to achieve them. And finally, we must never give up. Dreams may face obstacles and setbacks, but it is our determination and perseverance that will ultimately lead to success.

In conclusion, dreams are not just fantasies or wishful thinking. They are the fuel that drives us towards our goals and aspirations. They have the power to inspire, transform, and create a better world. So, let us dream big, take action, and never give up on our dreams. Thank you.

Word count: 405

希望之星英语风采大赛即兴演讲题目 篇二

Title: The Importance of Empathy

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is the foundation of human connection and the key to building strong relationships.

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, empathy is often overlooked or undervalued. We are so focused on our own needs and goals that we forget to consider the feelings and perspectives of those around us. This lack of empathy leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a sense of isolation.

Empathy is not just about being nice or polite. It is about truly understanding and acknowledging the experiences and emotions of others. It requires us to step into someone else's shoes and see the world from their perspective. When we empathize with others, we are able to build trust, strengthen relationships, and create a sense of belonging.

Empathy is especially important in times of adversity and crisis. When someone is going through a difficult time, they don't just need sympathy or pity. They need someone who can truly understand and validate their feelings. Empathy allows us to provide the support and comfort that others need, and it helps us to navigate through challenging situations together.

Furthermore, empathy is not limited to our personal relationships. It is also crucial in the workplace and in society as a whole. When leaders and organizations show empathy towards their employees, they create a positive work environment where people feel valued and supported. When communities and nations show empathy towards each other, they foster a sense of unity and cooperation.

So, how can we cultivate empathy in our own lives? Firstly, we must practice active listening. We must give our full attention to others and truly hear what they are saying. Secondly, we must be open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives. We should not judge or dismiss someone's feelings just because they are different from our own. And finally, we must be kind and compassionate towards others. Small acts of kindness can go a long way in making someone feel seen and understood.

In conclusion, empathy is not a luxury, but a necessity for our personal and collective well-being. It is the glue that holds us together and allows us to build meaningful connections with others. So, let us strive to be more empathetic in our interactions, to truly understand and share the feelings of others. Thank you.

Word count: 392

希望之星英语风采大赛即兴演讲题目 篇三




  1、The country I’d most like to visit;

  2、My Favourite kinds of foreign food;

  3、What computer games might be like in 20;

  4、My grandparents;

  5、Computer games;

  6、What age should you be allowed to use the internet;

  7、Why it’s important to spend time outdoors;

  8、Does technology make our lives easier;

  9、The most embarrassing day of my life;

  10、Will there be a World War 3 in my lifetime;

  11、I do/don’t believe in aliens because ……;

  12、The worst kind of natural disasters;

  13、What I think will happen in 2012;

  14、My favourite festival;

  15、What I think of space travel;

  16、The differences between Chinese and western schools;

  17、Should Chinese health care be free;

  18、The disadvantages of being rich;

  19、Which is more important: attractiveness or personality;

  20、What motivates me to work hard;

  21、I would/wouldn’t like more independence from my parents because… years;

  22、The strangest dream I’ve had;

  23、The scariest dream I’ve had;

  24、The best dream I’ve had;

  25、Fashion is/isn’t important to me because….;

  26、Why a good sense of humour is important;

  27、My ideal weekend;

  28、What makes a good friend;

  29、What I would do if I was rich;

  30、Should old people be allowed to drive.





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