
即兴演讲范文 篇一








即兴演讲范文 篇二








即兴演讲范文 篇三







一、 比赛时间、地点





二、 比赛流程

1、 主持人宣布预赛开始,并介绍评委;

2、 按照比赛规则进行预赛的选拔,每位选手6分钟;

3、 每5个选手比赛完,宣布各位选手得分;

4、 上半场(上午)预赛结束,就餐;

5、 下半场预赛结束,记分员按各个选手的得分排序,确定决赛选手,并由主持人公布,预赛结束;

6、 预赛结束后,进入决赛的选手集合,由专家评委进行点评。

三、 比赛规则

1、 各参赛选手必须遵守组委会规定,按时参加抽签、比赛;

2、 参赛选手必须在赛前30分钟签到完毕,赛前15分钟入场,比赛中途不得退场;

3、 参赛选手以抽签方式决定预赛出场顺序,选手未按时到场视为弃权;

4、 赛程内所有人员遵守会场纪律,不起哄,不喝倒彩,做文明观众,对每一位选手的比赛都要给予掌声鼓励;

5、 预赛中所有选手抽签分为两组同时进行预赛的.选拔;

6、 各位选手的演讲时间限定在6分钟以内,演讲满5分钟时由计时员响铃提示,满6分钟时计时员再次响铃提示,此时,选手必须停止演讲;

7、 参赛选手必须用汉语普通话,采用站立式脱稿演讲,演讲必须紧扣主题;

8、 比赛采用100分制评分方法,每位选手演讲结束后,由评委根据比赛评分标准进行评分;记分人员在去掉一个最低分和一个最高分后统计出的平均分即为该选手最后得分;统计选手得分时按四舍五入保留小数点后三位数;

9、 评委必须坚持客观、公正的原则,严格按照评分标准进行评分;

10、 评委评分由主持人当场宣布,由记分员统计选手的最后得分;

xx、 选手若对其最后得分存在异议,可在分数公布后向组委会提出申请审查。

四、 抽签规则

1、 比赛的抽签须由选手本人进行,不得由他人代为抽签;

2、 所有选手在抽签处排队进行抽签,不得拥挤、喧哗;

3、 抽签在比赛开始前30分钟准时开始;

4、 所有选手按照所分组别在相应的“签到处”抽签决定比赛的上场顺序;

5、 抽签决定的比赛出场顺序不得更改;

6、 违反上述规定的一切行为都将视为故意违规,选手将被取消其参赛资格;

7、 整个抽签过程在工作人员的临场监察下进行,若有异议,组委会的裁决是最终裁决。

五、 注意事项

1、 请严格按照比赛规则进行比赛,比赛时间严格控制为6分钟;

2、 就餐:上午比赛结束后,选手在会场就餐。为保证秩序,请各选手凭餐券到会场外领取快餐;

3、 当天比赛结束后,各高校进入决赛的选手按要求到指定地点集中,听取专家评委点评;

4、 如自驾车到场,请预先打印本次比赛车证,凭车证进入校园;团委















即兴演讲范文 篇四

Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.

As students, we could share more time with our friends. The friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. Especially when I had Justin as one of my best friends. Justin was my English teacher from the USA. I met him in 1996 when I was a student who could only speak very little English. Justin was a vivid young man with a bright smile on his face, and he always had his special way to make the class active and attractive. He taught us English by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing. I could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we fin-ished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on Christmas Eve. It was so interesting and unforgettable. Justin was an excellent teacher, because he taught us not only how to study English well, but also the way to find out the beauty of the world and the way to be angels to others' lives. I know there was

friendship and pure love in our hearts. Facing this valuable emotion neither nationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith, under-standing, and care. Justin is the best friend I have ever had, and I know I will cherish those days of staying together with him as the best part of my memory.

Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.

However, in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. More and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of life and -the beauty of friendship. They work hard in order to gain a higher position, in the society and to earn more money for their work. Of course, we don't deny that it is important to find a bet-ter place in our lives, but we wish more and more people could pay a little more attention to themselves and their friends. All of us have to spare some time for personal lives. We have to find the chance to express our emotion and love. When staying with our friends, we can release ourselves completely. We can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether. I should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.

As we know, we would feel lonely if we didn't even have a friend. But it doesn't mean we could depend on our friends all the time. There is a famous motto saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” It is really true. We have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. When we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can.

Finally, let's pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. Let's pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts.








即兴演讲范文 篇五

Wide sea ping, the days of the birds to fly. Everyone carries a dream of their , what is the dream? What is dream? Dream is looking forward to, and the dream is strong - is fleeting dream you insist on the ideal as their courage and perseverance, are you responsible for their own highest level. But ask yourself, how many of us to accomplish his original dream in mind?grand ambitions; perhaps, is the adolescent confusion and impulsive; maybe just a plain desire, desire applause, eager for success. Countless "may," innumerable "hope" because of our youthful full of miracles, large and small dreams in our hearts, in every corner of life filled with the ideal but no effort is useless.

If you want to be a teacher, you should to study hard. If you want to be a player, you should do more exercises.

If you want to become a businessman, he should learn to get along with people. For example, my wish is to be a famous writer grew up, because I really love writing, so from now on, I should read more, more accumulate knowledge, and strive to improve writing level. No pains, no gains, because my efforts, so my article was punished in many newspapers , and in many composition contest, I see the success I'm happy, so, struggle is the bridge to the , my dream. to give my famliy a warm, give my friend happy. Yes, my dream.

The podium from the first station began his love this place, started from the first published an article looking forward to the world of words, decided to stay here from the beginning, stick to bottom of my heart in our faces no matter how many additional traces, no matter how much things to us across the chest wounds, as long as we have the right to breathe, to have a passion for remodeling dreams! Oxygen to survive as long as we have to have the courage to create a passion!

Choose to continue, select the value, select the achievements of the passion of life, the brave hearts of the initial dream of success!

即兴演讲范文 篇六

The time is the life, Mr. Lu Xun said that, "Wastes own time to be equal to the chronic suicide, wastes others time to be equal to murders for money." This explained treasures the time the importance.

The time says regarding the scholar: "An inch time inch gold, inch Jin Nan buys an inch time." The scholar only then treasures the time to be able to create own value, is humanity's civilized development, develops the new knowledge world. The science and technology can further develop, soars for the motherland offers own talent. Otherwise, does not treasure the time, unsuccessfully living, tomorrow duplicate tomorrow, not only has destroyed own future, returns to give back to the country to bring in the economical the loss.

The time says regarding the military scientist, treasures the time is the victory. Red Army must fly crosses Yangtze River, day and night marches, its goal strives for the time, strives for the victory. Obviously treasures the time is how important, this is relating the motherland life and death.

The time regarding the economical scholar is the money, is the efficiency. Along with the reform and open policy flood tide, the time is more and more taken by the people, former days worked disperses negligently, lives hand to mouth, has the mess the phenomenon more and more to be few, presents at present in is grasps the time creation benefit, the creation wealth.

Treasures the time is treasures the life, the life very is all important regarding each people, our each people all should treasure the time well, creates own life value.



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演讲稿在写作上具有一定的格式要求。在不断进步的时代,需要使用演讲稿的事情愈发增多,还是对演讲稿一筹莫展吗?下面是小编为大家收集的热爱祖国演讲稿(通用7篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。  热爱祖国演讲...