
名著《唐吉坷德》英语读后感 篇一

After reading the classic novel "Don Quixote," I found myself deeply moved and inspired by the protagonist's unwavering determination and idealism. Written by Miguel de Cervantes, this novel tells the story of a middle-aged man named Alonso Quixano who becomes obsessed with the idea of becoming a knight-errant and embarks on a series of misadventures.

One of the most striking aspects of the novel is the character of Don Quixote himself. Despite being portrayed as a delusional and eccentric figure, Don Quixote's unwavering belief in chivalry and his determination to right the world's wrongs is truly admirable. His courage and persistence in the face of ridicule and defeat serve as a reminder that it is important to never give up on our dreams, no matter how unrealistic they may seem to others.

Throughout the novel, Don Quixote's encounters with various characters and situations highlight the stark contrast between his idealistic view of the world and the harsh realities of life. He often mistakes windmills for giants and common inns for castles, demonstrating his tendency to see the world through a lens of fantasy. However, despite these misinterpretations, Don Quixote's actions are always guided by a genuine desire to do good and uphold the values of chivalry.

Another theme that resonated with me while reading "Don Quixote" is the power of imagination. Don Quixote's vivid imagination allows him to see the world in a different light, transforming mundane objects and situations into epic adventures. This serves as a reminder that our perception of reality is subjective and can be shaped by our own beliefs and imagination. It encourages us to embrace our creative side and find beauty and excitement in the ordinary.

Furthermore, "Don Quixote" explores the concept of identity and self-discovery. Don Quixote's transformation from Alonso Quixano, a rational and sensible man, into a knight-errant is a journey of self-realization and self-acceptance. It raises questions about the nature of identity and the importance of staying true to oneself.

In conclusion, "Don Quixote" is a timeless masterpiece that offers valuable insights into the human condition. Through the character of Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes reminds us of the power of belief, imagination, and perseverance. It serves as a powerful reminder to never lose sight of our dreams and to always strive for a better world, no matter the obstacles we may face. I highly recommend this novel to anyone seeking inspiration and a thought-provoking read.

名著《唐吉坷德》英语读后感 篇二

After completing the renowned novel "Don Quixote," I have been left in awe of its timeless themes and its ability to explore the complexity of the human psyche. Penned by Miguel de Cervantes, this literary masterpiece delves into the story of a middle-aged man named Alonso Quixano, who becomes obsessed with the idea of becoming a knight-errant and embarks on a series of misadventures.

One of the most captivating aspects of the novel is its exploration of the blurred lines between reality and imagination. Don Quixote's vivid imagination allows him to see the world through a lens of fantasy, transforming ordinary objects and situations into extraordinary adventures. This blurring of reality and illusion raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of perception and the power of the human mind.

Furthermore, "Don Quixote" delves into the theme of the human capacity for self-deception. Don Quixote's delusions of grandeur and his refusal to accept the harsh realities of life highlight the extent to which individuals can deceive themselves in order to escape the unpleasant truths of the world. This theme serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the dangers of living in a self-constructed bubble of illusions.

Another thought-provoking theme explored in the novel is the concept of heroism and the pursuit of noble ideals. Despite being ridiculed and mocked by those around him, Don Quixote remains steadfast in his belief in chivalry and his quest to bring justice and righteousness to the world. His unwavering determination and idealism serve as a reminder of the importance of standing up for what we believe in, even in the face of adversity.

Moreover, "Don Quixote" offers valuable insights into the human condition and the complexities of human relationships. Through Don Quixote's interactions with various characters, ranging from his loyal squire Sancho Panza to the beautiful Dulcinea, the novel explores themes of loyalty, love, and the search for meaning and connection. It reminds us of the power of human relationships and the profound impact they can have on our lives.

In conclusion, "Don Quixote" is a literary masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its timeless themes and its exploration of the human psyche. Miguel de Cervantes' vivid portrayal of Don Quixote's delusions and his unwavering pursuit of noble ideals serves as a powerful reminder of the complexities of the human condition. I would highly recommend this novel to anyone seeking a thought-provoking and introspective read that will leave a lasting impact.

名著《唐吉坷德》英语读后感 篇三



  What can anyone say about Don Quixote that hasn"t been said? The book"s been around for four hundred years, has inspired virtually every literary movement from the eighteenth-century picaresque to the most obscure works of twenty-first century postmodernism.

  Don Quixote is one of the few books that merits casual references with the definite article (The Quixote), and additionally is one of the few books to spawn a universally-recognized adjective (quixotic)。 How to even approach a book like Don Quixote, a book that has been, at some time or other, all things to all people? How to evaluate a cultural monolith? The simplest way, of course, is just to pay attention to the fact that Don Quixote, four hundred years after its initial publication, is still a hell of a read!

  Sure, there are rough patches, yet: the mini-novels that interrupt the narrative of the first part for a hundred-odd pages would have been easy targets for some modern publisher"s blue pencil, the long essays on arms or piety can ring strangely to reader sensibilities, the descriptions are sometimes a vague mess, and yet the basic story, the basic concept holds up.

  It"s hard to stay mad at Don Quixote: as frustrating as the plot can be at times, some archetypal lure lurks within the world of Cervantes"s Spain, some magic that draws us in, much like the world of chivalry that continues to draw Quixote himself through the progressively more painful wringer of situations.

  The concept of the novel is simple: Alonso Quijano, landowner from La Mancha, is obsessed with his library of chivalrous books. Driven mad by the inconsistencies of plot, character and philosophy that fill each volume of these seventeenth-century precursors to the fantasy novel, Quijano resolves to restore dignity to the lost profession of knight-errantry, assembles a rudimentary sword, suit of armor, and horse (the eternally-suffering-and-spavined Rocinante), and sets out into Spain in his quest for glory.

  In return for this act of hysterical faith, he finds violent innkeepers, malevolent thieves, cynical shepherds, sadistic nobility, and even (due to Avellaneda"s false sequel to the book"s first volume, one of the most famous pieces of fan-fiction ever written) an inferior (and, in the novel, invisible) Quixote impostor.

  The first few scenes involve Quixote alone against the contemporary world, but before a hundred pages have elapsed Cervantes introduces Sancho Panza, Quixote"s gullible, bloated and homily-spouting squire, who in conjunction with Quixote provides the spark for endlessly bizarre discussions in which Quixote"s heightened, insane conception of the world is brought crashing to earth by Sancho"s sly pragmatism (discussions which occasionally end with Quixote threatening to pummel Sancho in order to shut him up

  Once joined together, it"s very difficult to imagine Don Quixote and Sancho ever being split apart: the two are the original comic duo, locked into perpetually and mutually exclusive views of the world, and in and of themselves--whether Sancho is being asked to give himself hundreds of lashes in order to disenchant Quixote"s swineherd love interest, Dulcinea, or whether Quixote is mixing a potion based on olive oil and bitter herbs that will, in theory, cure all of Sancho"s Quixote-caused earthly wounds--the Knight and the Squire personifies the thematic conflict that propels the work.

  In general, this is why Don Quixote remains one hell of a read--even today. The reader faces, in the same moment, an ideal view of the world (the world as enchanted, antiquated, idyllic) and the brutal facts of the act

ual world (the world as material, modern, loath to believe in knights.)

  Quixote hacks at the belly of ogres in an inn basement, and is rewarded by a jet of wine in his face and a hefty bill for damages. He tries to rid the land of giants, and is spun, lance-first, by a powerful windmill he spears in the attempt. He attempts to liberate a statue of the Virgin Mary, which he believes to be a damsel in distress, from her captors, and in return is beaten up by priests.

  Throughout, Sancho is there to say exactly what the reader is likely thinking--those aren"t giants; Dulcinea isn"t beautiful; none of this can be real--only to be rewarded with a lecture from Don Quixote about how he is beset by enchanters, who frustrate his every move by replacing the facts of his world, at the last moment, with devil"s illusions that bear an uncomfortable resemblance to our own reality. It"s a single joke repeated across a thousand pages, and yet it"s b enough to bring a laugh every time.

  Quixote"s insistence on his own madness in the face of innumerable arguments to the contrary, many of which take the form of cat scratches, cracked bones and missing teeth, makes him an interesting character because we know--or we think we know--that Quixote is just wrong. Yet, despite all of the pain he suffers in pursuit of that wrong, he continues to believe that he"s right. So we read on page-after-page, waiting to see how much more the man who believes himself a knight is able to take before he gives in--whether, in the end, Quixote will give in at all.

  We read not only for page-after-page, but for year-after-year, century-after-century, pulled by the cognitive dissonance that surrounds the knight like his own cloud of malicious enchanters. In the process, just as Quixote builds his castles from inns and criminal campfires, so we build castles of speculation from what we find in Cervantes"s Spain, at once so brutally real and so dream-like, the realm of archetype and myth founded on dreary life. We, like Don Quixote, are driven to hallucinate by what might be, in the end, just a very good story.

  With Don Quixote, Cervantes has accomplished an enduring act of literary alchemy: just as Quixote is combined with Sancho, so is fantasy combined with reality, the eternal with the everyday, and like the combination of matter and anti-matter, the explosion of aesthetic power is, in magnitude, infinite, propelling readers from the earth--at first facing inward at what was left behind on the page, then, forgetting the earth, outward into meaning--farther and farther toward the dream-like stars.



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