
pep小学英语全英教案设计 篇一

Title: PEP Elementary English Lesson Plan Design


This lesson plan is designed for elementary English learners using the PEP (Primary English Program) curriculum. The main objective of this lesson is to teach students vocabulary related to animals and the ability to ask and answer questions about animals. The lesson will be conducted entirely in English to immerse students in the language and promote their listening and speaking skills.

Level: Elementary (Grade 1)

Time: 45 minutes


- Flashcards with pictures of different animals

- Chart paper or whiteboard

- Markers

- Worksheets for students

- CD player or audio system


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Greet the students and review the previous lesson's vocabulary.

- Play a short audio clip of animal sounds and ask students to guess which animals they belong to.

- Introduce the topic of the lesson: Animals.

2. Vocabulary (10 minutes):

- Show flashcards of different animals and elicit their names from the students.

- Teach new vocabulary such as lion, tiger, elephant, giraffe, etc.

- Practice pronunciation and repeat after the teacher.

3. Listening and Speaking (15 minutes):

- Play an audio clip of a short conversation between two people talking about their favorite animals.

- Ask students to listen and identify the animals mentioned in the conversation.

- Conduct a class discussion, asking students about their favorite animals and why they like them. Encourage them to use complete sentences and ask follow-up questions to their peers.

4. Reading and Writing (10 minutes):

- Distribute worksheets to students with pictures of different animals.

- Ask students to write the names of the animals under each picture.

- Provide guidance and support as needed.

5. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the vocabulary learned in the lesson by playing a quick game of "Guess the Animal." Show flashcards of different animals and ask students to say the name of the animal shown.

- Summarize the lesson and assign homework if necessary.


- Observe and assess students' participation and understanding during class discussions and activities.

- Review completed worksheets to evaluate students' ability to write the names of animals correctly.

pep小学英语全英教案设计 篇二

Title: PEP Elementary English Lesson Plan Design


This lesson plan is designed for elementary English learners using the PEP (Primary English Program) curriculum. The main objective of this lesson is to teach students vocabulary related to daily routines and the ability to talk about their daily activities. The lesson will be conducted entirely in English to immerse students in the language and promote their listening and speaking skills.

Level: Elementary (Grade 2)

Time: 60 minutes


- Flashcards with pictures of daily activities (e.g., brushing teeth, eating breakfast, going to school)

- Chart paper or whiteboard

- Markers

- Worksheets for students

- CD player or audio system


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Greet the students and review the previous lesson's vocabulary.

- Play a short video clip of a typical morning routine and ask students to identify the activities shown.

- Introduce the topic of the lesson: Daily Routines.

2. Vocabulary (10 minutes):

- Show flashcards of different daily activities and elicit their names from the students.

- Teach new vocabulary such as wake up, get dressed, have lunch, etc.

- Practice pronunciation and repeat after the teacher.

3. Listening and Speaking (15 minutes):

- Play an audio clip of a conversation between two people talking about their daily routines.

- Ask students to listen and identify the activities mentioned in the conversation.

- Conduct a class discussion, asking students about their own daily routines and encouraging them to share their experiences.

4. Reading and Writing (15 minutes):

- Distribute worksheets to students with pictures of different daily activities.

- Ask students to write sentences describing their own daily routines using the vocabulary learned.

- Provide guidance and support as needed.

5. Role Play (10 minutes):

- Divide students into pairs and assign them roles (e.g., Student A and Student B).

- Provide a scenario where each student describes their daily routine to their partner.

- Encourage students to ask follow-up questions and have a short conversation.

6. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the vocabulary learned in the lesson by playing a quick game of "What's Missing?" Show flashcards of different daily activities and remove one card. Ask students to identify the missing activity.

- Summarize the lesson and assign homework if necessary.


- Observe and assess students' participation and understanding during class discussions and activities.

- Review completed worksheets to evaluate students' ability to write sentences describing their daily routines correctly.

pep小学英语全英教案设计 篇三

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