

Subject: Compensation Claim for Damaged Goods

Dear [Company Name],

I am writing to formally lodge a compensation claim for the damaged goods that were delivered to me on [date]. I have been a loyal customer of your company for many years and have always been satisfied with the quality of your products. However, I am deeply disappointed with the current situation and believe that I am entitled to receive compensation for the damages incurred.

The damaged goods in question were a shipment of electronic devices that I had ordered from your company. Upon receiving the package, I noticed that the outer packaging was severely damaged, and upon inspection, I discovered that several of the electronic devices inside were also damaged. This not only resulted in financial loss for me but also caused significant inconvenience and frustration.

To support my claim, I have enclosed photographs of the damaged goods as evidence. As you can see, the devices have visible cracks, scratches, and other signs of mishandling. Additionally, I have kept the original packaging, which clearly shows signs of rough handling during transit. I believe that this evidence clearly demonstrates that the damage was caused during the shipping process and not due to any mishandling on my part.

Furthermore, I would like to draw your attention to the terms and conditions outlined in our purchase agreement. According to clause 5.2, it is the responsibility of the seller to ensure that the goods are delivered in good condition and without any damage. The damaged goods I received clearly indicate a breach of this contractual obligation. I kindly request you to review this clause and acknowledge your liability in this matter.

In light of the above, I request that you compensate me for the full value of the damaged goods, which amounts to [amount]. I believe this is a fair and reasonable request considering the financial loss I have suffered as a result of the damaged goods. I trust that you will handle this matter promptly and provide a satisfactory resolution.

I look forward to receiving your response within [timeframe] to avoid any further escalation of this issue. Please consider this claim as a formal request for compensation and take appropriate action to rectify the situation. Should you require any additional information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

索赔理由及依据的英语信函 篇三


  1.We will make you a compensation of 6% and give you some preferential terms later on.


  2.Since the responsibility rests with both parties, we are ready to pay 50% of the loss only.


  3.We have credited to your account £760 to cover both the value of the goods short delivered and your inspection fee.


  4.We shall remit to you an amount of £2,000 in compensation for the loss.


  5.We are willing to give you an 18% allowance of the next shipment to compensate you for the loss.


  6.You should claim compensation from the insurance company .


  7.A thorough examination showed that the broken bags were due to improper packing, for which the suppliers should be held responsible.


  8.As the shipping company is liable for the damage, your claim for compensation should , in our opinion, be referred to them for settlement.


  9.The claim should be referred to the insurance company. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for it.



 10.Your claim, in our opinion, should be referred to the insurance company, as the mishap occurred after shipment.



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