
在职证明英文 篇一


A proof of employment, also known as an employment verification letter or an employment confirmation letter, is a document that confirms an individual's current employment status. This letter is often requested by employees for various purposes, such as applying for a loan, renting an apartment, or obtaining a visa. In this article, we will discuss the key elements and format of an employment verification letter.

Key Elements of an Employment Verification Letter

1. Employee Information: The letter should begin with the employee's full name, job title, and department. It should also include the employee's start date and, if applicable, their termination date.

2. Company Information: The letter should provide details about the company, including its name, address, and contact information.

3. Employment Details: The letter should state the employee's current employment status, including their full-time or part-time status, the number of hours they work per week, and their salary or hourly rate.

4. Job Responsibilities: It is important to briefly describe the employee's job responsibilities and any major projects they are involved in. This helps provide credibility to the letter and gives a clear understanding of the employee's role within the organization.

5. Duration of Employment: The letter should mention the duration of the employee's employment with the company, including any breaks or leaves of absence.

6. Contact Information: The letter should provide a point of contact within the company who can verify the information provided in the letter. This may be the human resources department or the employee's immediate supervisor.

Format of an Employment Verification Letter

An employment verification letter should be written on company letterhead and include the date of issuance. It should be addressed to the requesting party and be signed by an authorized representative of the company. The letter should be concise, clear, and free from any grammatical or spelling errors.


An employment verification letter serves as an official document to confirm an individual's current employment status. It is important to include key elements such as employee information, company information, employment details, job responsibilities, duration of employment, and contact information. By following the proper format, an employment verification letter can provide the necessary information and credibility needed for various purposes.

在职证明英文 篇三

  Certificate of incumbency

  Indonesia Embassy in china:

  I have my staff passport number: XXX, G0XXXXXXX, duties as deputy general manager, a monthly income of $XXXX; in March 9th to 12 days of traveling to Indonesia for businevisits, I guarantee the company returned on time, do not violate local laws and regulations. My company retained their positions, please give the visa facilitation.

  Company address: XXXX

  Phone: XXXX

  XXXX company


  Certificate of Employment

  DATE: DD/MM/YY To whom it may concern,

  This is to certify that Name has been working in Company as Working position for Num. year(s), since DD/MM/YY (Start Working) .

  Sincerely yours,




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