回复询盘的信件大纲 篇一
1. 产品信息:我们的产品是[产品名称],具有以下特点:[产品特点]。我们的产品质量得到了市场广泛认可,并且我们一直致力于不断提升产品的质量和性能。
2. 价格及付款方式:关于产品的价格和付款方式,我们将在附件中提供详细的报价单。请您查收,并在需要的时候与我们联系以进一步商讨付款方式的细节。
3. 交货期限:我们将尽快处理您的订单,并在确认付款后的[交货期限]内安排发货。请您提前告知我们您的交货时间要求,以便我们做出合理的安排。
4. 售后服务:我们公司非常重视售后服务,我们将为您提供完善的售后支持。如果您在使用我们的产品时遇到任何问题或需要任何帮助,请随时与我们联系,我们将尽快为您解决。
5. 其他问题:如果您还有其他问题或需要进一步了解我们的产品和服务,请随时与我们联系。我们的销售团队将竭诚为您提供帮助。
回复询盘的信件大纲 篇二
1. 产品信息:我们的产品是[产品名称],具有以下特点:[产品特点]。我们的产品在市场上享有良好的声誉,并且得到了广大客户的认可。
2. 价格及特别优惠:关于产品的价格,我们将在附件中提供详细的报价单。此外,我们为了感谢您对我们公司的关注,特别提供[特别优惠]。希望这个特别优惠能够满足您的需求并促成我们的合作。
3. 交货期限:我们将尽快处理您的订单,并在确认付款后的[交货期限]内安排发货。请您提前告知我们您的交货时间要求,以便我们做出合理的安排。
4. 售后服务:我们公司非常重视售后服务,我们将为您提供完善的售后支持。如果您在使用我们的产品时遇到任何问题或需要任何帮助,请随时与我们联系,我们将尽快为您解决。
5. 其他问题:如果您还有其他问题或需要进一步了解我们的产品和服务,请随时与我们联系。我们的销售团队将竭诚为您提供帮助。
回复询盘的信件大纲 篇三
Look at this OUTLINE. It gives some ideas for a 'typical' answer to an enquiry by letter, telex or phone - or even to a personal enquiry:1. Thank the customer for their interest in your product(s) and confirm that you can (or can't) help
2. 'Sell' your product(s) and explain how it is suitable for your customer's needs
3. Say that you're sending a catalogue, price list, advertising literature etc
4. Explain how the customer can get 'hands-on' experience of the product(s):
-offer to send samples or get rep to visit with samples/demo
-state the location of distributor's showroom ner enquirer's address
-announce an exhibit at a forthcoming trade fair
-exactly what you are selling: confirm the specification of your product(s)
-prices in buyer's or another hard currency, including terms of delivery(CIF, DDP, FOB etc) and validity:
Total: 3450 US dollars CIF Incoterms
The prices shown in this offer are valid for a period of 60 days from the date hereof
-discounts: for cash/bulk etc
-terms of payment: cwo/ open account/ letter of credit etc
Payment by irrevocable letter of credit in US dollars on a United States bank, allowing part-shipment, transhipment and house bills, and valid for 90 days from order date
Payment with order by bander's draft or cheque on a US bank
-shipping date
The goods will be ready for shipment 3 to 4 weeks from receipt of your written order (and confirmation of your letter of credit)
6. End on an optimistic note and encourage the customer to phone or telex you personally for more information.
-What would you add to the
outline given above? -What would you prefer not to include?