
出国延期申请书范文 篇一











出国延期申请书范文 篇二











出国延期申请书范文 篇三

Dear xxx,

There has been criticism in the media of Chinese young people for beingegocentric and lacking a sense of social responsibility. In my opinion however,this is not the case of my friends and I. While studying finance at Ohio StateUniversity, I paid close attention to social issues in China. Some people arebenefiting from the developing economy, while many others do not. In order tochange this situation, and redistribute social resources more reasonably,government support and policy reforms are required. I hope I can provide theChinese government with valuable consultation in the future so as to enable morepeople to benefit from this economic development.

My studies at Ohio State University enabled me to acquire a deepunderstanding of economics, finance, and accounting. It also gave me anopportunity to learn about American financial systems and operations. TheAmerican subprime mortgage crisis which caused a Financial Tsunami brought aboutwhole new schools of thought regarding the global economy. I realized that thereis excessive government intervention in resource allocation, especially withregards to loan investment and loan projects. Nowadays, American are transforming from institutionally based and functional toobjectives-based. This is giving new ideas to other countries as to how theycould reform.

I did not start thinking about these issues in an offhanded manner. I havebeen in deep thought as to the financial systems used in Chinese villages forseveral years. China uses separated financial supervision, which has createdmany problems including repeated supervision, high cost, and lack of aneffective coordination mechanism. Farmers find it difficult to take out loanscreating a delay in economic development. If this situation is not improved,more than 60% of farmers will be unable to lift themselves out of poverty, andthere will be no social justice.

The differences I have observed between the Chinese and American financialsystems has inspired me to learn more about China’s current situation. In 20xx,I was awarded the chance to take an internship in a commercial bank. I mainlyhelped my supervisor organize materials, but I also participated in interviewswith customers. One day for instance, all of the banks supervisors were too busyto receive a customer requiring consultation. Fortunately, my experiencefollowing my supervisor around, combined with my academic knowledge of financialsystems, allowed me to confidently deal with the customer. I introduced thefinancial products available, and their characteristics. My supervisor laterclosed the deal, but was aware of my conduct which won me respect and morechances to work independently. Whilst working at this bank, conversations withmy colleagues enabled me to understand in greater depth why China is facing alack of credit. People in poorer areas have less access to credit, which is whythere is less investment. I feel that I now understand one of the biggest causesof the gap between rich and poor.

I have also taken part in a number of charity initiatives. In the summer of20xx, I worked for “Yixin Web” as an intern, joining a project called “warmschool house”. In Shaanxi province in China, gas poisoning caused a number ofchildren to lose their lives. Later, their school removed its coal stove, butlacked the funds to install a new heating system. Yixin Web raised 50,570RMB andsent out electric heaters to four schools in the area. Although the leaders fromYixin Web warned me that the area was desperately poor, but I was still shockedon arrival. The hills were bare. A local teacher told me that the soil in thehills had to be improved in order to plant crops there, but a lack of funds hadleft large areas desolate. The government has set out poverty alleviationpolicies providing interest free loans, but there are still many main problems stem from the lack of a holistic financial system.

Four-years of college life have helped me truly realize that finance shouldnot be used as a means for personal gain, but instead as a device to help liftpeople out of poverty. In the last 30 years China has developed rapidly, yet thegap between the rich and poor has widened. In order to improve this situation,the system needs to be reformed through policy analysis and the help of the basis of strong financial theories and excellent professional skills, Ihope to study an MPA program and go on to enhance my decision-making,analytical, organizational and coordination abilities.

I truly hope to obtain a professional degree in MPA from Cornell UniversityGraduate School. I believe the Graduate School will help me balance study withmy life, such as the Student Governance-Cornell University Graduate andProfessional Student Assembly, which allows me to have many chances to dopractice. I very much appreciate and value how the school helps new studentsadapt to their new environment. This proves to me that Cornell University reallyfocuses on the students themselves. I am quite sure that what I will learn inCornell will give me everything I need to build my future career.



出国延期申请书范文 篇四


我公司名为北*公司,成立于*年**月**日,经营地址为:。我公司主营业务是:。公司注册资金为万美元,投资总额为 万美元。







因公司业务需求,特向贵司申请先生/小姐的签证延期事宜。申请签证类型为F签证,延期期限为三个月,由20xx年**月**日到20xx年**月**日,三个月一次往返。其本人保证在华期间遵守中国法律,绝不发生违法行为。 望协助为盼!



出国延期申请书范文 篇五

In my undergraduate program,I received education across two fields—a degree program in law at the Law School of x University and a degree program in psychology at x rigorous academic trainings across those two fields have given me necessary qualifications for pursuing a more advanced program either in psychology or in law,endowing me with a unique advantage in interdisciplinary knowledge.

As far as I am concerned,law and psychology are all pertain to human a matter of fact,my thesis in law,entitled “ xX “ explores juvenile delinquency by examining the complicated psychological factors of the younger generation of China in family,school and neighborhood are essential differences between terms of the causal relationships of human behavior,law is primarily concerned with the treatment of the consequences of human behavior while psychology probes into the motivations that cause people to act as they the framework of human relations,law aims at orderly and well-regulated social relationship while psychology,with its interventions into the process of human development,seeks to facilitate the healthy development of the inpiduals.

While law and psychology are both indispensable to the proper functioning of our society,when it comes to making a choice between those two fields in which to pursue a graduate program,I decide to opt for a program in Developmental decision is motivated by the fact that law can only deal with the aftermath of human behavior whereas psychology can provide preventive measures against possible negative human & adolescent psychology,a field I am interested in,may facilitate the development of healthy personality structure that may enable children and adolescents interact with the society in a harmonious manner.

I have received sound academic trainings that a student of psychology can expect in China,excelling particularly in Developmental Psychology,Cognitive Psychology,Experimental Psychology and other core courses,all of which have imparted to me the necessary theoretical 87/100 GPA in Psychology has made me the top student in my class and the winner of a series of the university’s top-level an undergraduate,I have attempted at some tentative research by submitting essays and research papers to provincial-level and university-level journals (please refer to my Resume).In performing those researches,I find that I have benefited considerably from my solid mathematics foundation and the related methodology—my score for the Advanced Mathematics course is 98/100 while the SPSS was nearly full have mastered important statistical and quantitative methods,computer programming and LISREL with much facility and I excel in designing experiments and preparing questionnaires.

I started to perform formal academic research at the Developmental Psychology Lab in x University two years by working as a research assistant to leading Chinese scholar on social development in childhood and adolescence and peer focusing on the peer relations,social cognition,social self-concept,attributions,and past social experiences,I completed a full-length research paper x,which became a poster presentation at the research indicates that in addition to maintaining an appropriate level of social self-concept and optimistic attributional style,it is essentially worthwhile to emphasize another two strategies to improve the positive peer nominations: to pay special attention to the attributions to negative events of the life,and to attribute social popularity or success to some stable on my distinguished academic performance,I attended the x and the x.

Off campus,I have worked as a social worker offering psychological consulting for the “No Worry Teenagers” column for the authoritative journal x,dealing with the problems concerning interpersonal relations and social cognition of adolescents and young experience allowed me to gain insight into many important aspects of the mental lives of this group of people beyond the mere statistical is a regret that my knowledge is insufficient to offer adequate consulting service to my audience of such perse fact reveals to me the need to undertake more advanced studies to improve my professional competence.

I am strongly interested in the developmental psychology of adolescents because by helping adolescents build up a healthy psychology that may enable them to successfully integrate into the competitive world of adults,hence fewer social problems could be my proposed program,I would like to concentrate on the following subjects: social cognitive and social-emotional development in childhood and adolescence; peer relations and family relations and their influence on development; resilience in high risk settings; development of self-esteem; gender differences and similarities,and research University of x’s graduate education is very strong in those faculty consists of distinguished professors who come from leading universities and have made important research program offers students a total of 14 labs,among which Multiple Identities and Interpersonal Interactions Lab is most relevant to my expect that your can give me instruction in the fundamental theories and knowledge of developmental psychology and also give me rigorous training in planning,conducting and evaluating would like to identify as my potential advisor,whose research interests covers a wide spectrum,including most of the fields I am interested in.

To me,psychology means care,psychological research is to find out how to care and psychological service is to offer the career objective is to develop into a research-oriented professor who can perform substantial research on adolescent will study those features of psychology that Chinese adolescents share with their x counterparts as China is under heavy influences of x I would also examine the role of traditional Chinese culture in shaping the psychology of Chinese from my professional activities,I will continue to offer voluntary,non-profit consulting services to those who are in psychological consulting is only of recent origin and much is to be prospective x education will enable me to make important contributions in this regard.

出国延期申请书范文 篇六

Dear Sir,

I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.

My name is Li Jin,an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics,Huabei year in the summer,I will graduate and get my plan to continue my study and research in this chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers,an array of databases and research projects in your school of believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.

I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms,the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships,and other relevant mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.






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