GRE作文的素材 篇一
1. 统计数据:统计数据是支持论点的有力证据。例如,如果你的论点是“手机使用在青少年中引发了社交隔离”,你可以引用相关的调查结果来支持你的观点。
2. 专家观点:引用专家的观点可以增强你的论证力度。你可以引用权威人士、学者或行业专家的观点来支持自己的论点。
3. 历史事件:历史事件可以用来支持你的观点,并提供背景信息。例如,如果你的论点是“政府应该采取措施减少垃圾污染”,可以引用历史事件来说明垃圾污染对环境造成的影响。
4. 文学作品:引用文学作品可以为你的论点增加文化内涵。例如,如果你的论点是“文学对个人成长有着深远的影响”,可以引用经典文学作品中的人物形象、情节或主题来支持你的观点。
5. 个人经历:个人经历可以增加你的文章的可信度和亲和力。例如,如果你的论点是“留学对个人发展有着重要的影响”,可以分享自己的留学经历和所获得的收获来支持你的观点。
GRE作文的素材 篇二
1. 当前事件:引用最新的新闻事件可以增加你的作文的时效性和现实性。例如,如果你的论点是“电子支付正在取代传统货币”,可以引用最近的数据和新闻报道来支持你的观点。
2. 科学研究:引用最新的科学研究可以为你的观点提供科学依据。例如,如果你的论点是“全球变暖是人类活动导致的”,可以引用相关的科学研究来支持你的观点。
3. 社会调查:引用社会调查结果可以加强你的论证力度。例如,如果你的论点是“社交媒体对青少年的心理健康产生了负面影响”,可以引用相关的社会调查结果来支持你的观点。
4. 经济数据:引用最新的经济数据可以为你的论点提供经济依据。例如,如果你的论点是“经济增长对环境保护产生了负面影响”,可以引用相关的经济数据来支持你的观点。
5. 历史比较:通过比较历史事件可以为你的观点提供背景信息和对比。例如,如果你的论点是“现代教育制度的问题源于工业革命时期的教育理念”,可以通过比较当时的教育制度和现代教育制度来支持你的观点。
GRE作文的素材 篇三
1.Perhaps there s no better example of high-level corruption than the case of former Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong .
2.The airliner crash is seen as merely the tip of an iceberg .
3.The importance of exercise to good health is only one example of aspects of life people most often take for granted .
4.Just imagine how great the word would be if we would only exhibit greater concern for our fellowman .
5.Suppose we re on a ship that hits an iceberg .Do we flip a coin to see who gets the seat on the lifeboat , or do we resort to violence to ensure our self-preservation ?
Studying abroad is a challenging and exciting experience and is not necessarily easy.However, with any faced and conquered challenge comes growth and maturity.A student choosing to study in a foreign setting by either enrolling in a foreign university or taking advantage of a domestic university exchange program will stretch and strengthen his skills academically, personally and socially.
Students can test their interests.On a study abroad term, students can take their interests in a more specific, applied direction.They can try field research or clinical work and interact with professionals working in fields of interest to them.
Students increase language skills.By using foreign language in daily life, students studying abroad discover that they not only can survive but flourish in another country.
Students improve, learn, and refine decision-making and problem-solving skills.Students studying abroad find themselves in new situations all the time.When students maneuver through uncharted territory, convey their needs and thoughts using intercultural skills, or get themselves out of a jam, they gain confidence.These skills are also transferable to other aspects of life, both personal and professional.
Students make lasting connections.Between academic directors, other program staff, other program participants, home-stay families, and program contributors, students meet a whole new network of people.Some students may call upon their in-country professional contacts soon after the program; others may stay in touch with home-stay families; still others may connect to their program classmates in a way that they do not with other friends.No matter who stays in touch, all of these relationships are deeply enriching and provide wonderful memories.
Students who pursue courses abroad, are found to have a much clearer vision about their goals and way of achieving those.It helps foster greater inter-cultural communication, understanding, and tolerance for students from different academic or social backgrounds.You tend to develop a multidimensional view of your studies and approaches, which helps in getting the concepts understood in an excellent manner.
From an academic standpoint, studying abroad provides a very attractive quality about a student applying for a job.As companies go increasingly global, the need for culturally astute candidates is blooming.Employers tend to appeal to people who have experience with foreign language and an appreciation of international culture.Also, employers in our global economy seek the skills polished by overseas engagement.Teamwork, innovation and flexibility are honed abroad.This is an adventure that helps students develop their self-confidence and adaptability.Learning how to maneuver in a new city, with different customs and language, requires patience and creativity.Studying abroad prepares students to live and work in our increasingly multi-cultural world.It stimulates academic discipline, as students learn to function in a different system.It encourages independence, and enhances future job prospects.
Summary of benefits of studying abroad includes:
Learn to be self-sufficient, to thrive in a foreign country, and to become resourceful when the resources are not so obvious;
Develop the ability to thrive in and adapt to a culture different from your own;
Engage in life-altering experiences, ones that challenge your fundamental assumptions about the world;
Learn to compare the ways that key global issues are approached in different cultures;
Become proficient, if not fluent, in another language "Hong Kong is great- your going to experience a vastly different culture, you will be able to travel all over South East Asia, and you will meet
some lifelong friends;"Exploring other countries can broaden your cultural horizons;
Expand your education outside of the classroom during your time abroad;
Build life-long friendships and networks with people from around the world;
There are many career opportunities when you have completed your study abroad;
You improve your foreign language skills tremendously;
Studying abroad looks great on a future resume;
You get to explore the world;
Helps students better understand the world and different cultures;
Studying abroad helps with accelerating skill building and strengthening strategic relationships;
Helps you discover new interests and future career opportunities;
Takes you out of your comfort zone.