
雅思小作文范文10篇 篇一




题目:The proportion of different types of transportation used by people in a European city

The pie chart illustrates the percentage of various modes of transportation used by individuals in a European city. Overall, it can be seen that the majority of people in the city prefer to use cars as the primary means of transportation, while bicycles and buses are less popular options.

According to the chart, cars are the most commonly used mode of transport, accounting for 55% of the total. This indicates that more than half of the population in the city rely on cars for their daily commute. Bicycles, on the other hand, are used by only 15% of the residents as their main mode of transportation. This may be due to the fact that the city has well-developed cycling infrastructure and a culture that promotes cycling as a sustainable and healthy way to travel.

Public transportation, including buses and trains, is utilized by 25% of the population. Although this is a significantly smaller percentage compared to cars, it is still a considerable portion of the population. The availability of an efficient public transportation system in the city may contribute to its popularity among residents.

Finally, pedestrians make up the smallest proportion, with only 5% of the population choosing to walk as their primary mode of transportation. This could be due to the city's well-designed road network and the convenience and accessibility of other transportation options.

In conclusion, cars are the most widely used mode of transportation in the European city, followed by public transportation, bicycles, and pedestrians. Understanding the preferences and patterns of transportation usage in the city is crucial for urban planners and policymakers to make informed decisions and improve the city's transportation infrastructure.

雅思小作文范文10篇 篇二




题目:The number of international students enrolled in a UK university over a 10-year period

The bar chart provides information on the number of international students enrolled in a UK university from 2008 to 2018. Overall, it can be observed that there was a steady increase in the number of international students during this period.

In 2008, the university had approximately 5,000 international students. Over the next four years, the number rose steadily to reach a peak of around 12,000 in 2012. This significant increase may be attributed to various factors, such as the university's improved reputation, increased marketing efforts, and the global economic situation.

However, after 2012, there was a slight decline in the number of international students, falling to approximately 10,000 in 2014. This could be due to factors such as changes in immigration policies or increased competition from other universities. Nevertheless, the number started to rise again from 2014 onwards, reaching around 15,000 in 2018.

In conclusion, the data reveals a general upward trend in the number of international students enrolled in the UK university over the 10-year period. Despite some fluctuations, the overall trend indicates a growing interest among international students to pursue higher education in the UK. This information is valuable for the university in terms of recruitment strategies and planning for future growth.

雅思小作文范文10篇 篇三

Some people believe that the majority of artists earn low salaries and hence government funding is necessary for them to continue with their profession. I strongly disagree with this statement because of the reasons mentioned below.

Most of the talented artists are earning good salary. In any field of art, hardworking and skilful artists have successful life with enough fame and money. More specifically, actors, painters, writers and dancers are getting good remuneration for their performance. Paintings of good painters are sold for a great deal of money. It is well known to the public that dancers and actors lead highly luxurious lives.

Government funding is not at all required for these artists. Most of the artists are leading good standard life compared to many other people in the society. In other words, there are many sections of people who are really poor and actually need some help from the government to meet their basic needs such as food, clothes and education. For example, there are many people who do not have a proper house to stay in. Road workers and construction workers are earning low wages. There are many families where there are sick males who are unable to do any job. So, the government should give its help and support to these poorer sections of the society.

Another argument against giving financial aid to artists is that most of them have some sort of university education. So if they are not able to earn as much as they want, they can do some other job to supplement their income.

In conclusion, artists are getting enough income and government support is not mandatory for them. Therefore I strongly disagree with the statement.

雅思小作文范文10篇 篇四

It is common for enterprises to have seniors as top executives nowadays. However, there is an argument that young people should also be offered the opportunities to be the leaders as the age should not be the glass ceiling that bars them from upper management in large corporations. From my perspective, I agree with this idea.

First of all, young leaders, especially those employed in high-technology companies, are easy to keep pace with the rapidly changing market. Admittedly, compared with senior employees, they do lack experience of the past, but facing this rapid shifting market, their inadequate experience can be in turn seen as an advantage, as being in the same age of the targeting customers,they can understand the current popular tendency and are less likely to be inhibited by self - consciousness. Therefore, they are able to absorb the latest information and use their lateral thinking to make adaptations to meet the demand,. Besides, young people have more abundant time and vigorous to be a leader. Being managers means catering to enormous tasks simultaneously, and as most young people have not been married and formed their families, they can devote themselves to their work and maximise their output, which is impossible for older people.

Undeniably, when facing an emergency or a dilemma, compared with the aged leaders, the young generation tend to be less responsible and considerable, resulting in impulsive decisions due to their immaturity. Consequently, organisations might be at risk. However, young candidates who have the potential to be the manager can be first recruited as the management trainee, and after having the professional training ranging from six months to five years, they are sure to have the capability to deal with perse situations.

In conclusion, despite the defects of young managers, young people are eligible for leadership. Therefore, organisations should be encouraged to employ the young generation in top positions.

雅思小作文范文10篇 篇五

The charts below compare the age structure of the populations of France and India in 1984.

The two charts compare the populations of France and India in terms of age distribution by gender in the year 1984.

It is clear that the population of India was younger than that of France in 1984, with a noticeably larger proportion of people aged under 20. France, on the other hand, had a significantly larger percentage of elderly inhabitants.

In India, close to 14% of people were aged 5 or under, and each five-year age bracket above this contained an increasingly smaller proportion of the population. France’s population, by contrast, was more evenly distributed across the age ranges, with similar figures (around 7% to 8% of all people) for each five-year cohort between the ages of 0 and 40. Somewhere between 10% and 15% of all French people were aged 70 or older, but the equivalent figure for India was only 2%.

Looking more closely at gender, there was a noticeably higher proportion of French women than men in every cohort from age 50 upwards. For example, almost 3% of French 70- to 75-year-olds were women, while just under 2% were men. No significant gender differences can be seen on the Indian population chart.

雅思小作文范文10篇 篇六

Modern people are living a disposable lifestyle in which the discarding of products that have not been used for a longer period of time is the norm. This essay will discuss why this is happening and what issues will be caused. There are two factors responsible for this trend. One of them is the rapid advancement of technology. Since the first Industrial Revolution, technology has been developing at an alarming rate, leading to the fact that products are becoming cheaper to manufacture and purchase, which makes it highly possible for consumers not to value what they possess compared with people decades ago. Another reason is that people are living in a consumer society which encourages purchases. In order to have a high selling volume to generate high profits, consumer psychology is used by merchants to design a range of tempting advertisements .Therefore, surrounded by such attractive information, people cannot help but to dump old products and buy new ones. This human behaviour, however, is likely to exert negative influences. For one thing, the environment is detrimentally impacted. With an increasing number of products thrown away, different parts need to be dealt with, but whatever method is employed, pollution is still caused. For example, landfill will take up massive areas of land, and some substances will not degrade for centuries. Also, incineration generates carbon dioxide, which damages the air quality. For another, keeping on throwing away old products and buying new items means that a great amount of money has to be spent. If this continues and people are unable to make enough money, they will find their life unaffordable. Some people make use of creditcards, but end up living in debts. In conclusion, the formation of a throw-away society is attributed to a jump in technological development and the appearance of a consumer society. Such a society, however, maylead to environmental degradation and a big financial burden on people’s daily life.





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