英语节开幕式主持词 篇一
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
Good afternoon and welcome to the opening ceremony of our English Festival! It is truly a pleasure to see all of you gathered here today, ready to celebrate the beauty and importance of the English language.
English is not only a means of communication, but also a gateway to different cultures and opportunities. It has become a global language, connecting people from all over the world. Today, we are here to embrace the power of English and to showcase our love for this wonderful language.
This festival is a platform for us to showcase our English language skills and to demonstrate our creativity and passion. Throughout the festival, there will be a series of exciting activities and performances that will inspire and entertain you. From English debates and quizzes to drama performances and poetry recitations, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
The theme of this year's festival is "English: Uniting the World." We believe that through English, we can bridge the gap between different cultures and foster understanding and cooperation. This festival aims to celebrate diversity and promote intercultural communication.
During the festival, you will have the opportunity to interact with English language experts, attend workshops, and participate in various competitions. This is a chance for us to learn from each other and to improve our language skills. So, make the most of this opportunity and embrace the English language with enthusiasm!
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the organizers, volunteers, and participants who have worked tirelessly to make this festival possible. Without their dedication and hard work, this event would not be possible. Let us give them a round of applause!
Finally, I would like to encourage all of you to immerse yourselves in the festival, to engage with the activities, and to make new friends. Let us celebrate the English language and its power to bring people together. I hope that this festival will inspire you to continue learning and exploring the English language.
Thank you once again for joining us today. Now, let the English Festival begin! Enjoy the festivities and have a wonderful time!
英语节开幕式主持词 篇二
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
A very warm welcome to the grand opening of our English Festival! Today, we gather here to celebrate the richness and beauty of the English language, and to appreciate the countless opportunities it brings to our lives.
English is not just a subject or a language, it is a key that opens doors to the world. It enables us to connect with people from different cultures, to explore new ideas, and to broaden our horizons. This festival is a celebration of the power of English and a reminder of the importance of language learning in today's globalized world.
Throughout the festival, we have prepared a wide range of activities and performances that will entertain and inspire you. From spoken word poetry to storytelling sessions, from language games to panel discussions, there is something for everyone to enjoy. We have also invited renowned speakers and educators to share their insights and experiences, providing you with valuable learning opportunities.
The theme of this year's festival is "English: Empowering Minds, Enriching Lives." We believe that the English language has the power to transform lives and empower individuals. It equips us with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the modern world. This festival aims to showcase the incredible journeys of individuals who have achieved great success through their English language proficiency.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated team of organizers and volunteers who have put in countless hours to make this festival a reality. Their hard work and commitment have truly paid off. Let us give them a round of applause!
I also want to express my gratitude to all the participants and performers who have prepared tirelessly for their performances. Your dedication and passion are truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.
Now, without further ado, let us embark on this exciting journey of the English Festival. Immerse yourselves in the festivities, engage with the activities, and make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead. Let us celebrate the English language and its power to transform lives.
Thank you once again for gracing this occasion with your presence. Enjoy the festival and have a memorable time!
英语节开幕式主持词 篇三
丁:Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls.
丁:English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. In our school , all the teachers and students love English very much .Today , we’ll show you our enthusiasm and interest for English . I hope you’ll enjoy it .
英语节开幕式主持词 篇四
一. 开场白
周:Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls..
周:We’re so excited to welcome all the honoured guests . They’re………Thank you for join us .
女:欢迎各位来宾与我们共聚红梅新村小学,他们是 请允许我们代表所有师生对于你们的到来表示热烈欢迎。(鼓掌)
周:Your coming will give us more encouragement and confidence.
周:English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. In our school , all the teachers and students love English very much .Today , we’ll show you our enthusiasm and interest for English . I hope you’ll enjoy it .
周:As you know , our life cannot be happy without lovely cartoons . Now , let’s begin the 12th English Festival of our school with the lovely cartoons.
二、 校长致辞
周:First of all , welcome Miss Wu to give an opening speech.
女:首先 ,欢迎吴校长致开幕辞。
周:Our school is famous for the outstanding chorus . They mix the harmonious tones and graceful dance with English. Let’s earnestly appreciate their wonderful performance:Suzana
结合。让我们用心聆听这天籁之音:《 苏珊娜 》
周: Today, some leaders of come here too. Let’to give us a speech.
女 :今天,也来到了我们学校。让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎为我们讲话。
五、 儿童剧表演
周:The English Short Play which is full of delight can rise children’s interest.Let’s enjoy the performance played by pupils from Grade Two.
六、chant 大串联
周:English chants are popular in our school and in our life. Today, pupils from Grade One want to show their chants to all the guests. Let’s enjoy it .
七 舞蹈《小斑马》
周:Do you like animals ? And I like zebras very much . Look , many lovely zebras are running to us .
周:Do you like fairy tales? And do you know who’s the writer of Cinderella?(停顿,互动)Yes, he’s Mr Grimm. Students of Grade 6 will show us the story.
女:你们喜欢童话故事吗?你们又知道《灰姑娘》的作者是谁吗?答对了,他就是格林兄弟。 六年级的同学们将为我们演绎经典童话剧《灰姑娘》。
周: Well, we’re all familiar with the American film ‘Sound of Music’and the melody of Do Re Mi .So let’s sing and dance with the lively melody .Come and enjoy the musical comedy Do Re Mi.
女:我们大家都对美国电影《音乐之声》和Do Re Mi 优美的旋律耳熟能详。让我们随着这轻快的音乐唱起来,跳起来吧!请欣赏音乐剧《 Do re mi 》。
英语节开幕式主持词 篇五
一. 开场白
男: Good morning , dear leaders ,teachers and students , welcome to our English Festival .
女:with the holding of the English Festival ,we’ll find a platform to show our talents. And we also find a way to improve our English. (借英语节的举办,我们将找到施展自我的平台,也将找到提高自身英语素质的根本途径。)
男:Looking back on the course of our studies , we should say that our gain comes from our growing of environment .
女:Let’s say thank you to our school , to all the teachers , to everybody who pays attention to our growth.
二、 外教致辞
男:First of all , welcome our dear foreign teachers to give an opening speech.
女:首先 ,欢迎亲爱的外教致开幕辞。
男:Ok, let’s begin our performance , first let’s welcome the show from Grade six , the Phonetic symbol gesture exercise .
男:Our school is famous for the outstanding chorus . They mix the harmonious tones and graceful dance with English. Let’s earnestly appreciate their wonderful performance:you raise me up .
女:我们小学部有一支出色的合唱队。他们以和谐的音色及优美的动作把英语与音乐完美地结合。让我们用心聆听这天籁之音you raise me up .
男:Then , let’s enjoy the song from Grade seven.
男: Thank you for your hard work and wonderful performance. Let’s clap for them again。
男:The English Festival has been our carnival of English learning and become a traditional event of school culture. Your wonderful singing, dancing, performing, smiling and laughing in the past English Festival are still echoing in my mind! I firmly believe the English Festival this year will be more fascinating!
女:At last, I would like to wish the English Festival a great success and I hope you will enjoy yourselves!
合:Thank you very much
英语节开幕式主持词 篇六
王:诶,应老师,“数学节”我可是第一次听说啊,它都有些什么活动呢? 应:这次的活动可丰富啦,我们可是准备了不少的游戏哦。比如展板介绍,“我是估计小能手”,“巧移小棒大比拼”,“速算24点”,“九宫格”等等,保准让你玩得目不暇接。
应:“数学节”的目的就在于让同学们“玩趣味游戏,学数学知识”。 王:哦,学习数学知识还可以玩趣味游戏吗?这可真神奇!
三 学生代表发言同学们。
应:数可以估,也可以算,你看二年级的小朋友正在巧移小棒,不亦乐乎呢! (二年级段表演)