
英语演讲比赛主持词 篇一

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and fellow participants, welcome to the English Speech Contest 2021! I am honored to be your host for this exciting event. My name is [Your Name], and I will be guiding you through this remarkable journey of eloquence and persuasion.

Today, we have gathered here to witness the power of words, the art of rhetoric, and the beauty of the English language. Our contestants have worked tirelessly, crafting speeches that will captivate, inspire, and provoke thought. Each participant represents a unique perspective, sharing their ideas, experiences, and visions with us all.

The theme for this year's contest is "The Power of Dreams." Dreams have the ability to ignite passion within us, pushing boundaries and defying limitations. They hold the potential to change lives, shape societies, and even transform the world. Today, our speakers will delve into the depths of their dreams, expressing their personal aspirations and shedding light on the collective power of dreams.

As we embark on this journey, let us remember that this contest is not merely a competition, but an opportunity for growth and learning. Each speech has the potential to touch our hearts, challenge our thinking, and broaden our horizons. So, let us listen attentively, with open minds and open hearts.

To our esteemed judges, thank you for your commitment and expertise. Your discerning eyes and keen ears will surely guide us in selecting the most deserving winners. Your feedback and evaluations will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our talented contestants.

I would also like to express my gratitude to our sponsors and organizers who have made this event possible. Your support and dedication have paved the way for this platform of self-expression and intellectual exploration.

Lastly, I want to commend our brave participants. Your courage to stand before this audience and share your thoughts is commendable. Remember, this stage is yours, and your voice deserves to be heard. Embrace this opportunity, speak your truth, and leave an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

In conclusion, let us embark on this journey of dreams, let us celebrate the power of words, and let us appreciate the beauty of the English language. Welcome to the English Speech Contest 2021, and may the best speech win!

Thank you.

英语演讲比赛主持词 篇二

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow language enthusiasts, welcome to the English Speech Contest 2021! It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today as your host for this prestigious event. My name is [Your Name], and I am thrilled to guide you through this celebration of language and communication.

Today, we have gathered here to witness the power of spoken words, the art of rhetoric, and the beauty of the English language. Our contestants have dedicated countless hours honing their linguistic skills and crafting speeches that will captivate, engage, and inspire. Each participant brings a unique perspective, sharing their thoughts, experiences, and ideas with all of us.

The theme for this year's contest is "Breaking Barriers." Language has the remarkable ability to transcend borders, cultures, and barriers. It connects people, bridges gaps, and fosters understanding. Today, our speakers will delve into the depths of their chosen topics, breaking barriers of ignorance, prejudice, and misconception.

As we embark on this journey of enlightenment, let us remember that this contest is more than just a platform for competition. It is an opportunity for personal growth, cultural exchange, and intellectual exploration. Each speech has the potential to challenge our preconceptions, broaden our perspectives, and inspire positive change.

To our esteemed panel of judges, thank you for lending us your expertise and discerning eyes. Your evaluations and feedback will play a crucial role in determining the winners of this contest. Your commitment to this event is truly appreciated.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to our sponsors and organizers. Without your support and dedication, this event would not have been possible. Your belief in the power of language and education is commendable, and we are grateful for your contributions.

Lastly, I want to commend our courageous participants. Your willingness to step onto this stage and share your thoughts is truly admirable. Remember, your voice matters, and your words have the potential to inspire and ignite change. Embrace this opportunity, speak from your heart, and leave an indelible impression on all of us.

In conclusion, let us celebrate the power of language, the beauty of communication, and the unifying force of the English language. Welcome to the English Speech Contest 2021, and may this day be a testament to the limitless possibilities of words.

Thank you.

英语演讲比赛主持词 篇三

  ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the english speaking competition in mathematic dpt.

  first, let me introduce the hostess for today, a pretty young lady her name is… who is from class_3 grade XX.

  standing here beside me is jacky, he is also from class_3 grade XX.

  there are all together 17 contestants to compete in today’s english speech competition all form mathematic dpt

  i hope we can exchange of how to learn english better.these experiences will be very useful for the students in our dpt.so i hope we’ll make good use of this opportunity.

  at first,with great honor,we’d like to introduce the guests at present.they’re mr****,miss***,,welcome!

  we are honored to have you here,and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today.

  now i have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.

  l and g,miss*** ,mr***, ,welcome

  thank you for being a part of the competition.

  now let’s welcome professor tang to give us the opening address.

  than you professor

  ok,now let’s go over the rulers of the competition.

  there are 2 parts in today’s competition, the 1st is prepared speech,each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech.

  the 2ed part is unprepared speech,each of the contestants has 2 minutes to present your unprepared speech,after your speech,you have 2 minutes to answer questions raised by the judges.

  during your speech,a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left.then a a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out.so please raise the board .thank you !

  according to the performance of every contstant ,5 scores will be given by our 5 judges,the fullmark is 10,the final score is the average excluding one of the highest and one of the lowest scores.

  l and g ,the top 2 winners today will be able to attend the college final to be held next month.

  we all look forward to your wonderful performances,and we wish you the best of luck.

  now the topic for today`s prepared speech is and for every contestants to chose.

  let’s welcome c n.1

  thank your for c n 1,now let’s welcome c n.2

  thank you for c n. 2.here ,l and g ,i would like to announce the score of c n 1 is .congratulations!,now let`s welcome c n 3.

  l and g ,welcome back to english speech competition in mathematic dpt

  now let`s begin the unprepared speech.

  let`s welcome c n 1

  judges, question please

  thank your for c n 1,now let`s welcome c n 2(1)(2)

  thank you for c n 2.here ,l and g ,i would like to announce the score of c n 1 is

  and now let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results.for this period,let`s welcome miss to give us a comment on this competition.welcome

  l and g ,after our judges` discussion,the exciting moment is coming.

  first ,i would like to announce the third winners:

  welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.

  and then tne second winner is :

  welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.

  l and g can you feel the most exciting monment ,right now ,what i am going to announce is the first winner:

  welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.

  congratulations to all the contestants and our thanks to all guests and judges.thank you for comiong!

  till now ,l and g ,our competition has to an end.let`s look forword to the next year`s competition!

  thanks again!



  (比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning,please switch off your cell phones,thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)

  X:Good evening ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Qingdao Huanghai College 20xxEnglish Speaking Competition.My name is Wang Ruixue,beside me is Wu Xuan you might recognize.She is co-host of big movements of our school.


  X:Well this Competition is organized by Qingdao Huanghai College and sponsored by -------- This Competition is undertaken by Foreign Language Department. In today's Grand Final,there 15 finalists;they are all the winners of the preliminaries.These contestants have given very impressive performances,So,we know that today will be a very rigorous competition.


  X:Firstly,let's introuduce today's honorable leader and judges and guests. I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Speech Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from...



  Y:Welcome. 今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟系部的'参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。我们以同样热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。

  X:Once again let's welcome all the teachers and students.Now Please welcome professor----------to give us a speech.



you ,professor------now let me introduce the regulations of this final.The Final consist of four parts, namely showing myself,prepared speech, impromptu speech, and questions and answers.


  X: In the first section each of the contestants will have 1-2 minutes to show themselves,they can show off their skills in singing,dancing or even Kongfu.Please show off everything that makes you shine above the rest.This section the full score is 5.


  X: In the second section each of the contestants will have 3-4 minutes to deliver a prepared speech. The topic for the prepared speech is “20xx” .This section the full score is 10.


  X:Each contestant will draw the topic of an impromptu speech 15 minutes before their performances. In the third section each of the finalists will have 2 minutes to deliver an impromptu speech. This section the full score is 5.


  X: And after that, two question masters in the judging panel will be responsible for raising questions to the contestant according to the prepared speech or the impromptu speech (one question master asks only one question). That will be around two minutes.This section the full score is 5.


  X: When the contestant’s time for each part is used up, a staff member will raise a yellow cardboard to remind the contestant of the time. The contestant must stop within 15 seconds, otherwise his or her timing score will be deducted. in the 1st section if the time is less than 1 minutes,or the prepared speech time is less than 3 minutes or the time for questions and answers is less than 1 minute 45 seconds, the contestant’s timing score will be deducted.


  X: The judging panel will give scores on the spot. In this round, after 3 contestants finish the speech, the score of the previous 3 contestants will be announced together. After all the finalists finish the speech, the scores of all the speakers will be announced.


  X: The places of the contestants will be arranged according to the scores.




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