
英语书面通知的格式及范文 篇一



1. 标题(Notice):通知的标题应该突出主题,字体应该大而醒目。

2. 发布单位(From):通知的开头应该注明发布单位的名称和日期。

3. 收件人(To):通知的正文应该注明收件人的名称和日期。

4. 正文(Content):通知的正文应该简洁明了,内容要点齐全,逻辑清晰。

5. 结尾(Closing):通知的结尾应该写上发布单位的名称和联系方式。



From: Student Union

Date: October 10, 2022

To: All Students

Subject: Annual Tug-of-War Competition

Dear students,

We are pleased to announce that our school will be hosting the annual Tug-of-War Competition on November 5th, 2022. This event is organized by the Student Union and aims to promote teamwork and sportsmanship among our students.

The competition will take place on the school playground from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Each class is required to form a team consisting of 10 members, including at least 2 female students. The teams will compete in a knockout tournament to determine the ultimate champion.

To participate in the competition, please submit the registration form to the Student Union Office by October 20th, 2022. The registration fee is 50 yuan per team, which will be used to cover the costs of organizing the event.

We encourage all students to join this exciting event and showcase your strength and teamwork. Let's make this year's Tug-of-War Competition a memorable one!

For more details and registration forms, please visit the Student Union Office or contact us at 123-456-789.

Best regards,

Student Union

英语书面通知的格式及范文 篇二



1. 标题(Notice):通知的标题应该突出主题,字体应该大而醒目。

2. 发布单位(From):通知的开头应该注明发布单位的名称和日期。

3. 收件人(To):通知的正文应该注明收件人的名称和日期。

4. 正文(Content):通知的正文应该简洁明了,内容要点齐全,逻辑清晰。

5. 结尾(Closing):通知的结尾应该写上发布单位的名称和联系方式。



From: School Administration Office

Date: September 25, 2022

To: All Students

Subject: Temporary Closure of the School Library for Maintenance

Dear students,

We would like to inform you that the school library will be temporarily closed for maintenance from October 1st to October 15th, 2022. This maintenance period is necessary to ensure that the library facilities are in good condition for your convenience.

During the closure, no borrowing or returning of books will be allowed. We kindly ask all students to return any borrowed books before October 1st, 2022. Any overdue fines incurred during the maintenance period will be waived.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Alternative study spaces will be made available in the school's classrooms and computer labs during the library closure. Additionally, online resources such as e-books and academic databases will still be accessible through the school's website.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the School Administration Office at 123-456-789 or visit us in person.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Best regards,

School Administration Office

英语书面通知的格式及范文 篇三

Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention, please pay attention, please be quiet, please listen to me. I have something important to tell you. Thank you very much.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention to all thank you notices, all the sophomores, we are going to work tomorrow. Please meet at 8:00 outside the school gate. Don't forget that you'd better put on your old clothes in June Notice that the sports meeting originally scheduled for this Saturday has to be postponed because of the heavy weather these days.

All students will come to school on Saturday morning as usual. However, if the weather permits, there will be no classes in the afternoon. The sports meeting will be held on the morning of next Saturday.

The members of the school's table tennis team must go to the table tennis meeting this Saturday afternoon. The table tennis stars from Wuhan will come to school on 9:00 On September 9, he came to the school sports office for special training and guidance,.



英语书面通知的格式及范文 篇四


Boys and girls,

Our school will have a meeting on the playground at 3:00 p. m. on June 18th. The meeting is about being (keeping)away from net bars and refusing unhealthy publications. We'll visit a picture show about healthy knowledge after the meeting. Please get there on time with your chairs. That' s all.

Thank you.

The Students' Union

英语书面通知的格式及范文 篇五

Read this: if the deposit is not paid, the seller has the right to terminate this agreement by giving written notice to the buyer within days from the date of signing this agreement. However, such cancellation rights shall not be effective until the seller cancels the preliminary agreement of the property. If the seller thinks that the cancellation rights have not been cancelled, the cancellation rights shall not take effect.

You can read them again and again, maybe you should read them again now Once again, just to confirm again, there is no doubt that you have a problem with this part: unless the seller does not withdraw, I think you will agree that the difficulty is mainly caused by the use of multiple negations, otherwise it is not so much a brain teaser as a practical communication. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the time or inclination to think of brain twists. Therefore, my suggestion is very simple: do not use multiple negation, write something like this.

On the contrary, if the deposit is not paid, the seller has the right to notify the seller in writing to terminate this agreement, and the buyer shall deliver the goods within days from the date of signing this agreement. However, if the seller cancels the preliminary agreement of the property, the cancellation right is invalid. I know that I take the risk of pretending to understand the original text, but if my explanation is wrong, I am willing to do so, which is far from indicating my lack of wisdom.

It proves how poor the author's communication skills are. Without persuading you that multiple negations are a bad idea, here are some brain twists that waste your time: the following actions are not excluded from the ban and will not be approved for termination unless the administrator reviews the application and finds that there is no necessary material missing from the application.



英语书面通知的格式及范文 篇六



包括标题、称呼、正文、落款。 ①标题:写在第一行正中。可只写“通知”二字,如果事情重要或紧急,也可写“重要通知 ”或“紧急通知”,以引起注意。有的在“通知”前面写上发通知的单位名称,还有的写上 通知的主要内容。?

②称呼:写被通知者的姓名或职称或单位名称。在第二行顶格写。(有时,因通知事项简短 ,内容单一,书写时略去称呼,直起正文。

③正文:另起一行,空两格写正文。正文因内容而异。开会的通知要写清开会的时间、地点 、参加会议的对象以及开什么会,还要写清要求。布置工作的通知,要写清所通知事件的目 的、意义以及具体要求和作法。 ④落款:分两行写在正文右下方,一行署名,一行写日期。










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