篇一:Chinese National Day Customs
Chinese National Day, also known as the National Day of the People's Republic of China, is celebrated on October 1st each year. It is a public holiday in China and is a time for people to celebrate the founding of the country and enjoy various customs and traditions. Here are some of the customs associated with Chinese National Day.
1. Flag-raising Ceremony: On the morning of October 1st, a grand flag-raising ceremony is held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Thousands of people gather to witness the raising of the Chinese national flag and the singing of the national anthem. This ceremony symbolizes the unity and pride of the Chinese people.
2. Fireworks and Firecrackers: Fireworks and firecrackers are an essential part of the celebrations during Chinese National Day. People set off fireworks and firecrackers to create a festive atmosphere and ward off evil spirits. The colorful explosions and loud noises fill the sky, bringing joy and excitement to the streets.
3. Family Reunions: Chinese National Day is a time for family reunions. Many people take advantage of the holiday to travel back to their hometowns and spend time with their families. It is common for families to gather for a big meal and exchange gifts during this time.
4. Traveling: Chinese National Day is also known as one of the "Golden Weeks" in China, where people have a week-long holiday. It is a popular time for people to travel both domestically and internationally. Famous tourist attractions across the country are crowded with tourists during this period.
5. Cultural Performances: Various cultural performances and events take place during Chinese National Day. Traditional dances, music concerts, and acrobatic shows are organized to entertain the public. These performances showcase the rich cultural heritage of China and promote national pride.
6. Patriotic Education: Chinese National Day is also a time for patriotic education. Schools and organizations organize activities to teach young people about the history and achievements of China. It is an opportunity to instill a sense of national pride and identity in the younger generation.
7. Red Decorations: During Chinese National Day, red decorations can be seen everywhere. Red lanterns, flags, and banners adorn the streets and buildings, symbolizing joy, luck, and prosperity. The color red is considered auspicious in Chinese culture.
Chinese National Day is a significant holiday in China, and these customs and traditions play a vital role in celebrating the country's achievements and fostering national pride. It is a time for people to come together, honor their heritage, and celebrate the progress of the nation.
篇二:The Significance of Chinese National Day Customs
Chinese National Day, celebrated on October 1st, holds immense significance for the Chinese people. This public holiday marks the founding of the People's Republic of China and is a time for people to reflect on the country's achievements and customs. Let's explore the deeper significance of some of the customs associated with Chinese National Day.
1. Flag-raising Ceremony: The flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square is a powerful symbol of unity and national pride. It reminds the Chinese people of their shared history, struggles, and accomplishments. It serves as a reminder that they are part of a larger community and encourages a sense of belonging and patriotism.
2. Fireworks and Firecrackers: The use of fireworks and firecrackers during Chinese National Day has historical roots. In ancient times, loud noises and bright lights were believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck. Today, the explosions represent the triumphs and progress made by the Chinese people. It is a way of celebrating the achievements of the nation and spreading joy and happiness.
3. Family Reunions: Family reunions during Chinese National Day are a reminder of the importance of family and kinship. It is a time to strengthen bonds, express gratitude, and reflect on the support and love received from family members. The celebrations also honor the sacrifices made by past generations for the betterment of the country.
4. Traveling: The tradition of traveling during Chinese National Day reflects the economic progress and increased disposable income of the Chinese population. It is an opportunity for people to explore their own country's natural beauty and cultural heritage. Additionally, traveling fosters a sense of national pride as people witness firsthand the advancements made in infrastructure and tourism.
5. Cultural Performances: Cultural performances during Chinese National Day serve as a platform to showcase the rich history and traditions of China. They promote cultural diversity and harmony among different ethnic groups within the country. These performances also help preserve traditional art forms and pass them down to future generations.
6. Patriotic Education: The patriotic education activities during Chinese National Day aim to nurture a sense of national identity and pride among the younger generation. By teaching them about the country's history, achievements, and challenges, it instills a sense of responsibility and encourages active participation in building a better future for China.
7. Red Decorations: The prevalence of red decorations during Chinese National Day symbolizes celebration, luck, and happiness. Red is considered an auspicious color in Chinese culture and represents good fortune. By adorning streets and buildings with red, it creates a festive atmosphere and spreads positivity and optimism.
Chinese National Day customs hold deep cultural and historical significance. They unite the Chinese people, promote national pride, and highlight the achievements of the nation. These customs help preserve traditions, strengthen family bonds, and foster a sense of belonging and patriotism. Chinese National Day is not only a time to celebrate but also an opportunity for reflection, gratitude, and renewed commitment to the progress of the country.
国庆节的习俗英文版 篇三
®英语资源频道为大家整理的国庆节的习俗英文版,供大家阅读参考。[中国国庆] 1949年10月1日,是新中国成立的纪念日。这里应该说明一点,在许多人的印象中,1949年的10月1日在北京天安门广场举行了有数十万军民参加的中华人民共和国开国大典。其实,人们头脑中的这一印象并不准确。因为,1949年10月1日在天安门广场举行的典礼是中华人民共和国中央人民政府成立盛典,而不是开国大典。实际上,中华人民共和国的“开国”,也就是说中华人民共和国的成立,早在当年10月1日之前一个星期就已经宣布过了。当时也不叫“开国大典”,而是称作“开国盛典”。时间是1949年9月21日。这一天,中国人民政治协商会议筹备会主任毛泽东在政协第一届会议上所致的开幕词中就已经宣告了新中国的诞生。那么10月1日的国庆又是怎么回事呢?在中国人民政治协商会议第一届全国委员会第一次会议上,许广平发言说:“马叙伦委员请假不能来,他托我来说,中华人民共和国的成立,应有国庆日,所以希望本会决定把10月1日定为国庆日。”毛泽东说“我们应作一提议,向政府建议,由政府决定。”1949年10月2日,中央人民政府通过《关于中华人民共和国国庆日的决议》,规定每年10月1日为国庆日,并以这一天作为宣告中华人民共和国成立的日子。从此,每年的10月1日就成为全国各族人民隆重欢庆的节日了。
[China's national day in October 1, 1949, is the anniversary of the founding of new china. It should be clear that, in many people's minds, held in October 1st 1949 in the people's Republic of China has one hundred thousand soldiers and civilians to participate in the founding ceremony in Tiananmen square in Beijing. In fact, the impression in people's minds is not accurate. Since October 1, 1949, held the ceremony in Tiananmen square is the Central People's government the establishment ceremony, but was not the founding ceremony. In fact, the people's Republic of China "Founding", that is to say the people's Republic of China establishment, early in the year October 1st has been announced a week before. Was not called "founding ceremony," but referred to as the "Founding ceremony". The time is September 21, 1949. This day, the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference Chairman Mao Zedong in the preparatory meeting of the first session of the CPPCC's opening statement has been declared the birth of new china. The October 1st National Day is how to return a responsibility? At the first session of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference of the first National Committee, Xu Guangping said: "Ma Xulun members can not leave, he asked me, the establishment of the people's Republic of China, there should be national day, so I hope this will be decided in October 1st as the national day." Mao Zedong said "we should make a proposal, suggested to the government, decided by the government." In October 2, 1949, the Central People's government through the "on the national day of the people's Republic of China on the resolution", stipulated every year in October 1st as the national day, and to this day as the announcement of the people's Republic of China was founded. Since then, every year on Oct. 1 to become the grand people of all nationalities to celebrate the festival.
[美国国庆] 美国是以7月4日独立日为国庆日。每年的这一天,全美大大小小的教堂钟声齐鸣,各地居民自发地举行庆祝*。一般情况下,这天参加*的民众可以选择各式各样的化妆,组成家庭小乐队,有的亲朋好友甚至祖孙几辈人一起,载歌载舞,拥上街头。大街上更是成为一片欢乐的海洋,各式彩车、模型车、杂技车等同欢乐的人群一起,组成了浩浩荡荡的*队伍。*结束后,人们聚集在公园或其他一些公共场所,以自己喜欢的方式共同欢度这一盛大的节日。
[the United States] the United States National Day in July 4th is independence day as the national day. On this day each year, greatly small church bells around us, residents spontaneously parade. In general, this day parade people can choose every kind of make-up, composed of small family band, some relatives and friends even grandparent and grandchild generations together, now singing, now dancing, crowding the streets. The street has become a sea of joy, floats, model cars, acrobatic vehicle with the happy crowd together, go forward with great strength and vigour of the composition of the parade. After the parade, people gathered in a park or other public places, in the way they like to celebrate this grand festival.
[英国国庆] 英国国庆日是女王的;官方生日;。英国女王伊丽莎白二世的真正生日是1926年4月21日,而其;官方生日;则定在每年靠近6月11日的那个星期六。每年的这个时候,一向有;雾都;之称的伦敦天气也比较好。其主要活动,是由女王亲自检阅;军旗敬礼分列式;。由于星期六本来就不是工作日,因而这一天也不在假日之列。
[National] British British National Day is the Queen's official birthday;. The real birthday of Queen Elizabeth S of England was in April 21, 1926, but its; official birthday; that Saturday is celebrated on June 11th near the. This time, the annual always; fog; said the weather in London is also good. Its main activities, is by the queen personally review; Trooping the colour;. Because Saturday was not a working day, and that day is not in the holiday list.
[法国国庆] 法国是以7月14日法国*时巴黎群众捣毁巴士底监狱这一天作为国庆日的。1989年,正当法国革命200周年的时候,法国举行了十分隆重的庆祝活动。当天,在巴黎爱丽舍田园大街上举行了盛大的阅兵式。阅兵式上,300多辆装甲车、5000名士兵、250架飞机及直升机接受了检阅。33位外国元首或政府首脑以及1万多位外国来宾应邀参加了庆典仪式。在现场,有80多万观众观看了仪式。当天晚上,在雄壮的《马赛曲》乐曲声中,20万支焰火腾空升起,8000多名来自世界各地多个民族的演员参加了在协和广场举办的大型国庆庆祝演出。
[French National Day] France on July 14th when the French Revolution mass destruction of the Bastille prison in Paris that day as the national day. In 1989, when the French Revolution 200 anniversary, France held a very grand celebration. On the same day, held a grand parade in Paris Elysee garden street. The parade, 300 armored vehicles, 5000 soldiers, 250 aircraft and helicopters to accept the review. 33 foreign heads of state or government and more than 10000 foreign guests invited to attend the opening ceremony. At the scene, about 800000 viewers watched the ceremony. That night, in the majestic "La Marseillaise" the sound of music, 200000 fireworks vacated rises, more than 8000 from around the world in a number of national actors participated in the Place de la Concorde held a large celebration.
[德国国庆] 德国10月3日的正式名称叫;统一日;,是法定节日,但并非;国庆日;。与法国把7月14日、美国把7月4日、瑞士把8月1日作为国庆节的来历不同的一点是,德国这个类似国庆的重要日子里并无重大事件发生,不像法国1789年7月14日革命群众攻占了巴士底狱,美国在1776年7月4日发表《独立宣言》,瑞士在1291年8月1日缔结永久同盟。按照1990年统一以来的规矩,各个州的首府轮流举办庆祝活动,如2000年轮到了德累斯顿。所以,尽管是逢五逢十之际,首都没有举办隆重庄严的庆典不算奇怪。首都市民照样可以在秋季少有的明媚阳光下,尽情在勃兰登堡门前玩乐一番。
[formal name of German National Day] Germany in October 3rd called; unity day;, is a statutory holiday, but not; national day;. In July 14th, the United States and France to the July 4th, Switzerland in August 1st as the national day of the origin of different point is similar to the national day, Germany important days had no significant events, unlike the French Revolution of July 14, 1789 people captured the Bastille, the United States issued a "Declaration of independence" in July 4, 1776, the Swiss permanent alliances in August 1, 1291. According to a 1990 since unification rules, the various state capitals in turn celebration activities, such as the turn of Dresden in 2000. So, although every five every ten, not the capital held solemn celebration is not strange. The capital of the public can still rare sunshine in autumn, and in front of the Brandenburger Tor to play.