
怎样用英语口语形容脸皮厚 篇一

In English, there are various colloquial expressions and idioms that can be used to describe someone with a thick skin or someone who is shameless. These expressions are commonly used in informal conversations and can help to convey the idea of having a thick skin in a humorous or light-hearted way. Here are a few examples:

1. Thick-skinned:

This is a straightforward and commonly used expression to describe someone who is not easily affected by criticism or embarrassment. It suggests that the person is able to handle negative comments or situations with ease and without feeling hurt. For example, "He's so thick-skinned that he doesn't even blush when caught in a lie."

2. Shameless:

This term is often used to describe someone who is completely lacking in shame or embarrassment. It implies that the person has no qualms about behaving inappropriately or doing something unethical without feeling guilty. For example, "She's shameless, always taking credit for other people's work without any remorse."

3. Teflon-coated:

This expression is a metaphor that compares someone's ability to let criticisms or negative comments slide off them, just like how food slides off a Teflon-coated pan. It suggests that the person is unaffected by criticism and is able to remain unaffected and confident in the face of adversity. For example, "No matter how much you criticize him, it's like he's Teflon-coated. Nothing seems to stick."

4. Rubber-faced:

This expression is often used to describe someone who can maintain a poker face or keep a straight face despite feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable. It suggests that the person is able to hide their true emotions behind a seemingly neutral or emotionless expression. For example, "Even though he was caught red-handed, he managed to keep a rubber-faced expression and denied everything."

5. Bulletproof:

This term is often used to describe someone who is immune to criticism or negative feedback. It implies that the person is able to withstand any attack or negative comments without being affected emotionally. For example, "She's got a bulletproof ego, nothing can bring her down."

These expressions can be used in different contexts depending on the situation and the level of intensity you want to convey. However, it's important to use them with caution and consider the appropriateness of the situation, as some expressions may come across as rude or offensive if used inappropriately.

怎样用英语口语形容脸皮厚 篇二

Having a thick skin is a trait that some people possess, allowing them to be unaffected by criticism or embarrassment. In English, there are several idiomatic expressions and colloquial phrases that can be used to describe someone with a thick skin in a more playful or light-hearted manner. Here are a few examples:

1. Unbreakable:

This term implies that the person's confidence or self-esteem cannot be shattered or damaged by negative comments or situations. It suggests that they are resilient and able to bounce back from any criticism or embarrassment. For example, "He's unbreakable, no matter how much you try to bring him down, he always comes back stronger."

2. Ironclad:

This expression refers to someone who has a strong and impenetrable defense mechanism against criticism or embarrassment. It suggests that they are able to brush off negative comments or situations without being affected emotionally. For example, "Her ironclad self-confidence allows her to navigate through any challenging situation without losing her composure."

3. Impervious:

This term suggests that the person is immune to criticism or embarrassment. It implies that negative comments or situations have no impact on their emotional well-being or self-esteem. For example, "He's completely impervious to criticism, it's like nothing anyone says can bring him down."

4. Resilient:

This expression describes someone who is able to bounce back quickly from criticism or embarrassment. It suggests that they have the ability to recover and move on without dwelling on negative comments or situations. For example, "She's incredibly resilient, even after being publicly humiliated, she was able to laugh it off and move on."

5. Steely:

This term implies that the person has a strong and unwavering attitude towards criticism or embarrassment. It suggests that they are able to remain calm and composed in the face of adversity. For example, "He's got a steely resolve, no matter how many obstacles or negative comments he faces, he remains unfazed."

These expressions can be used in various situations to describe someone with a thick skin. However, it's important to use them appropriately and consider the context, as some expressions may come across as insensitive or offensive if not used with caution.

怎样用英语口语形容脸皮厚 篇三

【#英语口语# 导语】在日常生活中,我们身边不乏那种对别人的评价无感,对别人的差评自动屏蔽的人,今天®主要给大家分享怎样用英语口语形容脸皮厚,希望对你们有帮助!


  1. Thick-skinned表示“皮厚”。

  a thick-skinned orange厚皮的橙子。


  He was thick-skinned enough to cope with her taunts.


  2. Shameless表示“不知羞耻”。

  Shameless由词根shame变化而来,shame本来是“羞愧,羞耻”的意思,比如Shame on you!(你真不知羞耻!)Shame加上表示“无”、“没有”的后缀-less就是“不知羞耻”的意思。

  Did you see the shameless way she was chucking herself at him?


  3. Cheeky表示“厚颜无耻的”。

  Cheeky用来形容人行为无礼,放肆,恬不知耻。如果有人拿你开玩笑有点过了,你可以警告对方一句“Stop being so cheeky!”或者“I want no more of your cheek!”

  You're getting far too cheeky!


  4. Bold-faced表示“厚颜无耻的”,行为够大胆,脸皮足够厚。

  He is a bold-faced liar.


  5. Brazen表示“肆无忌惮的”。


  She had become brazen about the whole affair.



  Hello, Mary. I don’t know about you, but I seem to have so much work to do at the moment.


  Yeah, me too.


  I guess we’ve all got lots to do, and that’s why I was surprised that Lily has asked to take three days off work this week.



e days?


  Are you sure?


  Maybe she’s unwell.


  No, she’s fine.


  I heard she said to the boss in a very loud voice. I’ve got a treat deal on a flight to Italy so I need to take the rest of the week off.


  What cheek- she’s got a brass neck.


  A brass neck?


  Yes, I just mean she is confident but also a bit rude- she can do or say things that most of us would be too embarrassed to do or say.


  Yes, she just doesn’t care what she says ,does she?


  So if someone is described as having brass neck, it means they are confident and say or do what they want, but doesn’t understand their behaviour be unacceptable to theirs.


  For examples

  My ex-boyfriend’s got a brass neck, coming round and asking me to do his washing.


  The customer has a brass neck asking for a refund when it was obvious he had already worn the shoes.



  第一, 迷你对话

  A: Why are you so interested in the girl?


  B: I’d like to take her to the party.


  A: She has a thin skin. I bet she will not go out with you.


  B: You just wait and see.


  第二, 地道表达

  have a thin skin

  1. 解词释义

  Have a thin skin中的a thin skin表示“脸皮薄”的意思,have a thin skin的意思为“爱面子”。

  2. 拓展范例

  e.g. She didn’t speak loudly because she had a thin skin.


  e.g. And she had a thin skin with new people, just like he is.

  她见了生人就脸皮子薄 ,与他一样。

  e.g. We thought he was unfriendly until we learned that he had a thin skin.




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