
少儿水果英语单词大全 篇一


1. Apple - 苹果

Apple is a popular fruit among children. It is round and comes in different colors such as red, green, and yellow. Apples are sweet and crunchy.

2. Banana - 香蕉

Bananas are long and yellow fruits. They are easy to peel and can be eaten on their own or used in various recipes. Bananas are rich in potassium, which is good for our health.

3. Orange - 橙子

Oranges are citrus fruits that are rich in vitamin C. They have a bright orange color and a sweet taste. Oranges can be eaten raw or used to make juice.

4. Strawberry - 草莓

Strawberries are small red fruits that are loved by many children. They are juicy and have a sweet taste. Strawberries can be eaten on their own or used in desserts such as cakes and ice creams.

5. Watermelon - 西瓜

Watermelon is a refreshing fruit that is perfect for hot summer days. It has a green rind and a juicy red or pink flesh. Watermelon is mostly made up of water, which helps to keep us hydrated.

6. Grapes - 葡萄

Grapes come in different colors such as green, red, and purple. They are small and round fruits that grow in clusters. Grapes can be eaten raw or used to make juice and wine.

7. Pineapple - 菠萝

Pineapple is a tropical fruit with a sweet and tangy taste. It has a spiky outer skin and a juicy yellow flesh. Pineapple can be eaten on its own or used in dishes such as salads and stir-fries.

8. Mango - 芒果

Mango is a juicy fruit that is native to tropical regions. It has a yellow or orange skin and a sweet taste. Mango can be eaten raw or used in smoothies and desserts.

9. Kiwi - 猕猴桃

Kiwi is a small fruit with a fuzzy brown skin and a bright green flesh. It has a tangy and sweet taste. Kiwi can be eaten on its own or used in salads and fruit tarts.

10. Cherry - 樱桃

Cherries are small fruits that come in different colors such as red and black. They have a sweet and tart taste. Cherries can be eaten raw or used in pies and jams.


少儿水果英语单词大全 篇二


1. Pear - 梨

Pears are sweet and juicy fruits that come in different varieties such as green and red. They have a round base and a tapering top. Pears can be eaten raw or used in desserts and salads.

2. Peach - 桃子

Peaches are fuzzy fruits that have a sweet and juicy flesh. They come in different colors such as yellow and white. Peaches can be eaten on their own or used in pies and smoothies.

3. Plum - 李子

Plums are small fruits that come in different colors such as purple and red. They have a juicy flesh and a sweet and tart taste. Plums can be eaten raw or used in jams and sauces.

4. Raspberry - 树莓

Raspberries are small fruits that come in different colors such as red and black. They have a sweet and tangy taste. Raspberries can be eaten on their own or used in desserts and smoothies.

5. Blueberry - 蓝莓

Blueberries are small round fruits that have a dark blue or purple color. They have a sweet taste and are rich in antioxidants. Blueberries can be eaten raw or used in pancakes and muffins.

6. Lemon - 柠檬

Lemons are citrus fruits that have a sour taste. They have a bright yellow color and a refreshing aroma. Lemons can be used to make lemonade, salad dressings, and desserts.

7. Lime - 酸橙

Limes are small citrus fruits that have a sour taste. They have a green color and are often used in drinks and desserts. Limes can also be used to add flavor to savory dishes.

8. Coconut - 椰子

Coconut is a tropical fruit with a hard brown shell and a white flesh. It has a sweet and nutty taste. Coconut can be eaten raw or used in desserts and curries.

9. Avocado - 鳄梨

Avocado is a fruit that has a green or black skin and a creamy flesh. It has a mild and buttery taste. Avocado can be used to make guacamole, salads, and sandwiches.

10. Papaya - 木瓜

Papaya is a tropical fruit with a yellow or orange flesh. It has a sweet and musky taste. Papaya can be eaten on its own or used in smoothies and salads.


少儿水果英语单词大全 篇三

Fruit 水果

Almond 杏仁
Apple 苹果
Apricot 杏子
Arbutus 杨梅
Avocado 南美梨
Bagasse 甘蔗渣
Banana 香蕉
Bennet 水杨梅
Bergamot 佛手柑
Berry 桨果
Betelnut 槟榔
Bilberry 野桑果
Bitter orange 苦酸橙
Blackberry 刺梅
Black brin 黑布林
黑布林Black brin的图片
Blueberry 越桔,蓝莓
Bryony 野葡萄
Bullace 野李子
Bush fruit 丛生果

Cantaloupe 美国甜瓜
Carambola 杨桃
Casaba 冬季甜瓜
Cascara 鼠李
Cherry 樱桃
Cherry tomato 圣女果
Chestnut 栗子
Coconut 椰子
Cocoa 可可果
Codlin 未熟苹果
Core 果心
Cranberry 曼越桔
Cucumber 黄瓜
Cumquat 金桔
Custard apple 番荔枝
Damson 洋李子
Date 枣子
Date palm 枣椰子
Dew 果露
Durian 榴莲

Fig 无花果
Filbert 榛子
Flat peach 蕃桃
Foxnut 鸡头果
Ginkgo 银杏
Gooseberry 醋栗 (Chinese gooseberry 猕猴桃)
Grape 葡萄

rapefruit 葡萄柚子
Guava 番石榴
Haw 山楂
Herbaceous fruit 草本果
Hickory 山胡桃
Honey-dew melon 哈蜜瓜
Juicy peach 水蜜桃
Kernel fruit 仁果
Kiwifruit 奇异果,猕猴桃

Lemon 柠檬
Lichee 荔枝
Longan 龙眼、桂圆
Loquat 枇杷
Lotus nut (seed) 莲子
Mandarin 中国柑桔
Mango 芒果
Mangosteen 山竹果
Marc 果渣
Melon 黄香瓜
Mini watermelon 小西瓜
Nectarine 油桃
Newton pippin 香蕉苹果
Nucleus 核仁

Olive 橄榄
Orange 橙子
Papaya (Pawpaw) 木瓜
Peach 桃子
Peanut 花生
Pear 梨
Persimmon 柿子
Phoenix eye nut 凤眼果
Pineapple 凤梨、菠萝
Pistachio 开心果
Pitaya 火龙果
Plum 梅子,李子
Pomegranate 石榴
Pomelo 柚子
Quarenden 大红苹果
Rambutan 红毛丹
Raspberry 覆盆子

Sapodilla 人参果
Sapodilla plum 芝果
Seedless watermelon 无籽西瓜
Segment 片囊
Shaddock 文旦
Sorgo 芦栗
Sorosis 桑果
Strawberry 草莓
Sugarcane 甘蔗
Sultana 苏丹葡萄:一种黄色的无核小葡萄原产于小亚细亚
Sweet acorn 甜栎子
Syrup shaddock 汁柚

Tangerine 蜜柑桔
Tangor 广柑
Teazle fruit 刺果
Tough pear 木梨
Vermillion orange 朱砂桔
Walnut 核桃 (Chinese walnut 山核桃)
Warden 冬梨
Water Caltrop 菱角
Water-chestnut 马蹄、荸荠
Watermelon 西瓜
White shaddock 白柚
Wild peach 毛桃





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