
英语摘要范文 篇一

Title: The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Abstract: This article discusses the significance of emotional intelligence in the workplace. It explores the definition of emotional intelligence, its impact on workplace relationships, and strategies to improve emotional intelligence skills. The findings highlight the positive effects of emotional intelligence on job performance, teamwork, and leadership effectiveness. The article concludes that fostering emotional intelligence in the workplace can lead to improved productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall organizational success.

Keywords: emotional intelligence, workplace relationships, job performance, teamwork, leadership effectiveness

In today's fast-paced and competitive work environment, emotional intelligence has emerged as a crucial skill for success. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It plays a significant role in building positive workplace relationships, enhancing job performance, promoting effective teamwork, and improving leadership effectiveness.

Effective communication is an essential aspect of emotional intelligence in the workplace. Employees with high emotional intelligence are better able to express their thoughts and feelings in a clear and respectful manner, leading to improved relationships with colleagues and superiors. This, in turn, fosters a positive work environment and enhances teamwork, as individuals are more likely to collaborate and support each other.

Furthermore, emotional intelligence positively influences job performance. Individuals who are emotionally intelligent are better equipped to handle stress and pressure, which are common in today's work environment. They are more resilient and adapt quickly to change, allowing them to perform well under challenging circumstances. Additionally, employees with high emotional intelligence are more self-motivated and driven, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Leadership effectiveness is also greatly influenced by emotional intelligence. Leaders who possess emotional intelligence are able to empathize with their team members, understand their needs and concerns, and provide appropriate support and guidance. This creates a positive and supportive work environment, where employees feel valued and motivated to perform at their best. Moreover, emotionally intelligent leaders are skilled at conflict resolution, which helps to resolve issues efficiently and maintain harmonious relationships within the organization.

To improve emotional intelligence in the workplace, individuals can engage in various strategies. These include self-reflection, mindfulness practices, seeking feedback from others, and participating in emotional intelligence training programs. By developing and enhancing emotional intelligence skills, individuals can become more self-aware, manage their emotions effectively, and build stronger relationships with colleagues and superiors.

In conclusion, emotional intelligence is a vital factor in the workplace. It has a significant impact on workplace relationships, job performance, teamwork, and leadership effectiveness. Fostering emotional intelligence in the workplace can lead to improved productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall organizational success. Therefore, individuals and organizations should recognize the importance of emotional intelligence and invest in developing and enhancing these skills.

英语摘要范文 篇二

Title: The Benefits of Regular Physical Exercise on Mental Health

Abstract: This article explores the benefits of regular physical exercise on mental health. It discusses the relationship between physical activity and mental well-being, the impact of exercise on reducing stress and anxiety, and the role of exercise in preventing and managing mental health conditions. The findings highlight the positive effects of exercise on mood, cognitive function, and overall mental well-being. The article concludes that incorporating regular physical exercise into daily routine can significantly improve mental health and enhance quality of life.

Keywords: physical exercise, mental health, stress reduction, anxiety management, mood enhancement

In recent years, there has been a growing body of research highlighting the beneficial effects of regular physical exercise on mental health. Physical activity has been found to have a positive impact on mental well-being, reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Moreover, exercise has been shown to improve mood, enhance cognitive function, and reduce the risk of developing mental health conditions.

One of the key benefits of regular physical exercise is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Engaging in physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, commonly known as "feel-good" hormones, which promote a sense of well-being and relaxation. Exercise also helps to lower the levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, in the body, leading to a reduction in stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, physical exercise provides a healthy outlet for pent-up emotions and helps to distract the mind from negative thoughts and worries.

Furthermore, exercise plays a crucial role in preventing and managing mental health conditions. Studies have shown that regular physical activity can reduce the risk of developing conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders. Exercise has been found to increase the production of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, which are known to regulate mood and emotions. Additionally, physical activity promotes better sleep patterns, which are essential for maintaining good mental health.

In addition to its impact on stress and anxiety, regular physical exercise has been shown to enhance mood and improve cognitive function. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which are associated with feelings of happiness and pleasure. It also increases blood flow to the brain, leading to improved concentration, memory, and overall cognitive performance. Moreover, physical activity provides a sense of achievement and self-confidence, which contributes to a positive self-image and improved mental well-being.

To reap the benefits of regular physical exercise on mental health, individuals can incorporate various forms of physical activity into their daily routine. This can include activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or participating in team sports or fitness classes. It is recommended to engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most days of the week. However, any amount of physical activity is better than none, and even short bouts of exercise can have a positive impact on mental health.

In conclusion, regular physical exercise has numerous benefits for mental health. It reduces stress and anxiety, improves mood, enhances cognitive function, and helps prevent and manage mental health conditions. Incorporating regular physical activity into daily routine can significantly improve mental well-being and enhance quality of life. Therefore, individuals should prioritize physical exercise as part of their overall mental health care routine.

英语摘要范文 篇三




Chapter One Introduction

1-1 The Motivation of the Study

1-2 The Purpose of the Study

1-3 The Significance of the Study

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Definition of Games

2-2 Characteristics of Games

2-3 The Research Situations of Game Teaching in Foreign Countries

2-3-1 Game Teaching before Froebel

2-3-2 Froeble’s Game Teaching

2-3-3 The Form and the Development of Modern Game Teaching

2-4 The Research Situations of Game Teaching in China

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework

3-1 The Characteristics of Children

3-1-1 Cognitive Development of the Young Learner

3-1-2 Psychological Feature of the Young Learners on Learning

3-2 Stephen Krashen’s Theories of Second Language Acquisition

3-2-1 The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis

3-2-2 The Input Hypothesis

3-2-3 The Affective Filter Hypothesis

Chapter Four Research Design

4-1 Research Hypothesis

4-2 Research Questions

4-3 Subjects

4-4 Instruments

4-5 Procedures

Chapter Five Results and Analysis

5-1 Results and Analysis of the Questionnaire

5-2 Results and Analysis of the Classroom Observations

5-3 Results and Analysis of the Interview with Teachers

5-4 Reflection on the Results of Research

5-4-1 Updating Teachers’ Knowledge Stores

5-4-2 Improving Game Teaching Strategy

5-4-3 Maximizing Students’ Participation

5-4-4 Enhancing the Interaction

5-5 Effective Game Teaching Strategy

5-5-1 Delicate Presupposition

5-5-2 Proper Guide

5-5-3 Constant Interaction

5-5-4 Timely Summarization

Chapter Six Conclusion

6-1 Major Findings

6-2 Limitations of the Present Study

6-3 Suggestions


Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III

英语摘要范文 篇四




摘 要











关键词:人类 ;精神 ;女性意识;价值;


The Merchant of Venice is one of dramatic work write by Shakespeare. Its theme is to extol kindness, friendship and love,There, we mention Humanism—the main distinguishable feature of that period, also the bright characteristic which is shown from the important role in this play. Feminism is an important part of Humanism. And the main target and content are studied from this work are its humanism ideology and character image. In accordance with the related bibliographies and spirit essences of female and feminism, while combining with the main contents and backgrounds of the work, this paper sees through and analysis’s the work from the angle of the female and feminism, as well as makes judgments on three female characters’ appearances and behaviors in this drama and reveals the feminism and female ideology that The Merchant of Venice has deeply reflected. The paper intends to make an analysis of the merchant in Venice in the critics of the women image of feminism and finds that the women image in Shakespeare's works is not the two extreme type created by female authors who are criticized by the feminism critics: good woman and bad woman; on the contrary, he creates the female characters with anti-tradition and modern ideas. Compared with the male characters, the female ones are active and in central position and the male ones passive and subornation. Thus the patriarchy-centered and deconstructs the definition of women in a patriarchal society and indicates the feminism tendency in Shakespeare's works.

Keywords: human; spirits; female consciousness; value

英语摘要范文 篇五







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英语摘要范文 篇六

摘要 科技英语翻译已经逐渐成为一个亟待开发的教学新领域,科技英语翻译人才在求职市场上迅速走俏.怎样才能培养出符合社会经济发展需求的科技英语翻译人才呢?本文就如何加强科技英语教学工作谈了一些教学感受和看法. 关键词 科技英语 翻译 教学 中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 随着我国社会经济的发展,外商和国外专家来华投资和进行技术合作越来越多,科技交流和经贸洽谈日益频繁.怎样培养合格的科技英语翻译人 ...

科技创业 月刊 PIONEERING WITH SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY MONTHLY 浅谈科技英语翻译的特点 彭 (广东外语外贸大学 摘 韬 广东 广州 510515) 要:由于科学技术的发展,英语科技词汇不断增加,使得英语翻译显得越来越重要.着重探讨了 科技英语翻译的专业性.精确性,科技英语的句法特征及其翻译技巧,常用标志用语的翻译,并对大量实例翻译进行分析与研究,从中 ...

浅谈科技英语翻译的技巧 摘 要:翻译是把一种语言里已经表达出来的事物用另一种语言 准确流畅地进行重新表达的过程.与其他题材的文章相比,科技专 业文章在内容.表达形式和风格上有很大的差别,具有科技性强. 专业性强.逻辑严密.表达要求简练的特点,在翻译上力求准确全 面.严谨明确和通顺简练.本文通过分析科技英语的定义和特点, 总结了科技英语翻译的主要技巧,包括词的应用和转换.句的翻译 和处理及科技术语的 ...

摘 要:本文主要介绍了科技英语翻译的特点和要求,通过对传统科技英语翻译中存在的许多问题进行分析,探讨了现行的多种翻译工具,如电子词典.翻译软件等,在科技英语翻译中的运用. 关键词:科技英语:电子词典:翻译软件 科技英语的翻译对翻译人员有更高的要求,不仅是在英语知识方面,更是在科技英语的专业知识方面.如果翻译人员对他所翻译的知识不清楚或者不专业,那么他在翻译过程必定会遇到难题,拖延翻译时间,如何提高 ...

何小强诉华中科技大学履行法定职责纠纷案 裁判摘要 根据有关行政法规.规章及民办高校办学相关政策.规范性文件的规定,大学作为独立学院的挂名高校,具有授予独立学院符合条件毕业生学士学位的法定职责.学生以独立学院无根据未授予学士学位为由起诉的,大学应为适格被告.因独立学院作出具有终局性的初审行为,对学生的利益有直接利害关系,亦应作为被告.学生坚持起诉大学,而不起诉独立学院的,法院应将独立学院列为第三人. ...

第20卷3期 2007年8月 中国科技翻译 CHINESESCIENCE&TECHNOLOGYTRANSLATORSJOURNAL V01.20.No.3Aug.2007 科技英语特点及其翻译+ 韩 琴 (安徽工业大学马鞍山市243002) 摘要科技英语在词汇.表达和语法等方面有着与日常英语相同的地方,也有它独特之处.本文主要阐述科技英语的特点,并针对这些特点举例说明科技英语的翻译技巧和学 ...

<材料物理专业英语>课程教学大纲 一.课程基本信息 课程编号:13103208 课程类别:专业选修课程 适应专业:材料物理 总学时:36学时 总学分:2 课程简介: 本课程以大学英语.大学物理.材料物理等相关课程为基础,包含了专业英语的听说和写译两个部分.通过对本课程的学习,以求达到提升学生专业论文的阅读能力,具备一定的写.译能力,以适应在材料物理相关领域研究中国外文献的查阅和对外交流 ...

百家争鸣 大学生科技创新能力 培养问题及建议 秦 玮 摘 要:本文主要阐述了我国大学生科技创新能力的发有创新的灵感,但缺少必备的创新技能:四是有创新的兴趣展现状,从课程设置.就业导向.教学方式.制度建设等几和热情,但缺乏毅力. 个方面分析制约大学生创新能力培养的原因.最后,从不同科技创新能力是大学生素质教育的一个重要的考核指角度就加强大学生科技创新能力培养提出了建议对策.标,是中国大学生普遍很少具 ...



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