
小学英语英文论文提纲 篇一

标题:The Benefits of Learning English in Primary School


I. Introduction

- Importance of learning English in today's globalized world

- Purpose of the paper

II. Developing Communication Skills

- Learning basic vocabulary and phrases

- Practicing pronunciation and intonation

- Engaging in conversations and role plays

III. Building a Strong Foundation

- Learning grammar and sentence structure

- Developing reading and writing skills

- Expanding vocabulary through reading and writing exercises

IV. Enhancing Cognitive Abilities

- Improving problem-solving skills through language activities

- Enhancing memory and concentration through language learning

- Boosting critical thinking and analytical skills

V. Fostering Cultural Understanding

- Introducing students to different cultures and traditions through English materials

- Promoting tolerance and appreciation for diversity

- Encouraging global awareness and empathy

VI. Facilitating Future Opportunities

- Giving students a head start in their academic and professional careers

- Increasing job prospects and opportunities for international connections

- Enabling students to become global citizens

VII. Conclusion

- Recap of the benefits of learning English in primary school

- Encouragement for schools and parents to prioritize English education for young learners

小学英语英文论文提纲 篇二

标题:Effective Strategies for Teaching English to Primary School Students


I. Introduction

- Importance of effective teaching strategies in English education

- Purpose of the paper

II. Creating a Positive Learning Environment

- Establishing clear expectations and routines

- Encouraging active participation and engagement

- Providing a supportive and inclusive classroom atmosphere

III. Utilizing Interactive and Multi-sensory Approaches

- Incorporating games, songs, and gestures to make learning fun and engaging

- Using visual aids and props to facilitate understanding

- Incorporating technology and online resources for interactive learning

IV. Differentiating Instruction

- Assessing students' individual needs and abilities

- Adapting teaching methods to cater to different learning styles

- Providing additional support or challenges as needed

V. Incorporating Authentic Materials and Real-life Situations

- Using real-life examples, scenarios, and materials to make learning relevant

- Creating opportunities for students to practice English in authentic contexts

- Providing exposure to English through books, videos, and cultural activities

VI. Regular Assessment and Feedback

- Implementing formative and summative assessments to monitor progress

- Providing timely and constructive feedback to guide students' learning

- Encouraging self-reflection and goal-setting

VII. Collaboration with Parents and Colleagues

- Involving parents in their child's language development

- Collaborating with colleagues to share best practices and resources

- Seeking support and professional development opportunities

VIII. Conclusion

- Recap of effective teaching strategies for English education in primary schools

- Encouragement for teachers to continuously improve their teaching approaches

小学英语英文论文提纲 篇三




  摘要 5-6


  1. Introduction 9-23

  1.1 The Author and His Works 9-12

  1.2 Research Objectives and Significance 12-13

  1.3 Literature Review 13-23

  1.3.1 Research Abroad 13-17 Research on Malamud 13-15 Research on The Assistant 15-17

  1.3.2 Research at Home 17-23 Research on Malamud 17-19 Research on The Assistant 19-23

  2. Theoretical Framework 23-27

  2.1 Freud’s Personality Theory 23-26

  2.2 Application of Personality Theory in The Assistant 26-27

  3. Personality of Frank Alpine 27-38

  3.1 The Id – Degeneration 27-31

  3.2 The Ego – Ultimate Awakening 31-35

  3.3 The Super-ego –“Saint Francis” 35-38

  4. Personality of Morris Bober 38-44

  4.1 The Id - Aversion and Jealousy 38-40

  4.2 The Ego – Upholding principle of Goodness 40-42

  4.3 The Super-ego - Saint Morris 42-44

  5. Personality of Helen Bober 44-51

  5.1 The Id – Libido and Jealousy 44-45

  5.2 The Ego – Persistent Pursuit 45-47

  5.3 The Super-ego – Forgiveness 47-51

  6. Conclusion 51-54

  6.1 Summary 51-53

  6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study 53-54

  Acknowledgements 54-55

  References 55-59

  Appendix 59


  Abstract 6-8

  摘要 9-17

  Chapter One Introduction 17-26

  1.1 Background of the study 17-22

  1.2 Objectives of the study 22-24

  1.3 Organization of the dissertation 24-26

  Chapter Two Review of the Literature 26-80

  2.1 Task and task-based language teaching 26-31

  2.1.1 Introduction to TBLT 26-28

  2.1.2 Defining tasks 28-31

  2.2 Task complexity and task performance 31-70

  2.2.1 Early constructs of task complexity 31-34

  2.2.2 The current competing theories of task complexity 34-51 The Limited Attentional Capacity Model 36-41 Multiple Attentional Resource Model 41-49 Evaluation of the competing theories of task complexity 49-51

  2.2.3 Cognitive factors and task performance 51-70 Reasoning demands and task performance 52-64 Contextual support as task complexity 64-70

  2.3 Working memory in SLA 70-80

  2.3.1 Models of working memory 72-75

  2.3.2 Measurement for working memory 75-77

  2.3.3 Working memory and task performance 77-80

  Chapter Three Research Methodology 80-106

  3.1 Research justifications, questions and hypotheses 80-85

  3.2 Operationalization 85-87

  3.2.1 Task complexity 85-86

  3.2.2 Working memory capacity 86-87

  3.3 Research Design 87-89

  3.4 Participants 89-90

  3.5 Instruments 90-94

  3.5.1 C-Test 90-91

  3.5.2 Background and bio-data questionnaire 91-92

  3.5.3 Working memory test 92

  3.5.4 Oral narrative test 92-94

  3.5.5 Affective variable questionnaire 94

  3.6 Research procedures 94-97

  3.7 Production measures 97-104

  3.7.1 Complexity measures 100-101

  3.7.2 Accuracy measures 101-103

  3.7.3 Fluency measures 103-104

  3.8 Interrater reliability 104-106

  Chapter Four Results 106-149

  4.1 Across-task comparisons 106-133

  4.1.1 Higher working memory capacity group 107-120 Results related to hypothesis 1.1 114-117 Reasoning demand under+contextual support condition 114-115 Reasoning demand under-contextual support condition 115-117 Results related to hypothesis 1.2 117-120 Contextual support under-reasoning demand condition 117-119 Contextual support under+reasoning demand condition 119-120

  4.1.2 Lower working memory capacity gr

oup 120-133 Results related to hypothesis 1.3 127-130 Reasoning demand under+contextual support condition 127-129 Reasoning demand under-contextual support condition 129-130 Results related to hypothesis 1.4 130-133 Contextual support under-reasoning demand condition 130-132 Contextual support under+reasoning demand condition 132-133

  4.2 Between-groups comparisons 133-145

  4.2.1 Results related to hypothesis 2.1 134-136

  4.2.2 Results related to hypothesis 2.2 136-142

  4.2.3 Results related to hypothesis 2.3 142-145

  4.3 Affective perception results 145-149

  Chapter Five Discussion and Conclusion 149-171

  5.1 spoken productions across tasks 149-158

  5.2 Between-groups comparisons 158-160

  5.3 Major findings of present study 160-165

  5.4 Theoretical implications 165-167

  5.5 Pedagogical implications 167-168

  5.6 Limitations and suggestions for future research 168-170

  5.7 Conclusion 170-171

  Bibliography 171-193

  Appendix A participants' profiles 193-194

  Appendix B Cloze Test 194-196 <



  I. Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

  II. Several kinds of the origin of festivals in English-speaking Countries--------1

  1. Religious and Customary-------------------------------------------------------------1

  1.1 Christmas----------------------------------------------------------------------------2

  1.2 Boxing Day--------------------------------------------------------------------------2

  1.3 Easter Sunday ----------------------------------------------------------------------2

  1.4 Halloween----------------------------------------------------------------------------3

  1.5 New Year's Day -------------------------------------------------------------------4

  1.6 All fool's day------------------------------------------------------------------------5

  1.7 Thanksgiving Day------------------------------------------------------------------5

  2. Memorial--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

  2.1 For great peoples-------------------------------------------------------------------8

  2.2 For great events--------------------------------------------------------------------10

  3. Brought in by immigrant------------------------------------------------------------11

  Ⅲ.The festivals’ influence on people’s daily life in English-speaking countries.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

  1.Activities on the festivals' day. ---------------------------------------------------12

  1.1 Christmas party, songs and Christmas Eve dinner --------------------------12

  1.2 Boxing Day sporting events-----------------------------------------------------13

  1.3 Lent during Easter Day ----------------------------------------------------------13

  1.4 Parties and religious observances on New Year's Day ----------------------14

  1.5 Activities associated with Halloween Day ------------------------------------14

  2. Various gifts on festivals -----------------------------------------------------------15

  3. Decorations on festivals ------------------------------------------------------------16

  4. Family gatherings and holiday meals--------------------------------------------17

  Ⅳ The western culture features from the point view of the festivals of English-speaking countries.--------------------------------------------------------------18

  1.The heavy influence on people’s daily life from religion.----------------------18

  2.The culture has an obvious special feature of city-originality-------------------18




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