An Eccentric I Know英语作文【精简3篇】

An Eccentric I Know

Essay One

An Eccentric I Know

I have had the pleasure of knowing an eccentric individual named Mr. Johnson for several years now. From the moment I met him, I could tell he was unlike anyone I had ever encountered before. With his wild hair, mismatched clothing, and unorthodox way of speaking, Mr. Johnson stood out in any crowd. However, it was not just his appearance that made him eccentric; it was his unique perspective on life and his unwavering commitment to being true to himself.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Mr. Johnson's eccentricity is his passion for collecting unusual items. His house is filled with trinkets and treasures from all over the world. From vintage typewriters to antique teapots, there seems to be no limit to what Mr. Johnson will collect. Each item in his collection holds a story, and he takes great pleasure in sharing these stories with anyone who will listen. His enthusiasm is infectious, and I have often found myself captivated by his tales of adventure and discovery.

In addition to his love for collecting, Mr. Johnson also has a unique approach to fashion. He often wears clothing that is a mishmash of patterns and colors, creating a style that is all his own. While some may find his fashion choices unconventional, I admire his confidence and willingness to express himself through his clothing. Mr. Johnson has taught me that true style is not about following trends but about embracing your individuality.

Perhaps the most inspiring aspect of Mr. Johnson's eccentricity is his unwavering commitment to being true to himself. He does not let the opinions of others dictate his actions or choices. Instead, he follows his own path, even if it means going against the grain. Mr. Johnson has taught me the importance of staying true to my own values and beliefs, regardless of what others may think.

In conclusion, Mr. Johnson is an eccentric individual who has had a profound impact on my life. Through his passion for collecting, unique fashion sense, and commitment to being true to himself, he has taught me the importance of embracing my own individuality. Mr. Johnson's eccentricity is not something to be dismissed or ridiculed but rather celebrated as a reminder that it is okay to be different.

An Eccentric I Know英语作文 篇三

An Eccentric I Know英语作文

  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。你所见过的`作文是什么样的呢?下面是小编整理的An Eccentric I Know英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。

  The idea of an eccentric immediately reminds me of him.Litt

le known he may be to others, the mere mention of his name among his classmates including me, still conveys some kind of chilliness secretly through everyone's heart like a steel needle.

  Is he really so frightening? Does he look like a beast or does he ever behave mad? On the contrary, he looks moderate, and he only likes sleeping in class. But that's the problem! Tortured by terrible rhinitis, afflicted by lasting headache, disCRIminated against by teachers, and worshipped by other foresighted souls,he remains a mystery.

  Why? You may ask. The answer lies in two aspects, his words and his achievements. He always boasts himself to be an extraordinary man, reaching up to the so called "fourth" level that only A. Einstein and Dr. Freud have attained. He says when he was only 15 he could see through the sophisticated society, he could tell the true meaning of life which had puzzled generations of philosophers, he could understand the universe and the essence of natural laws, and he could, in his words, "feel" the world, or to be more exact, "perceive" the world. And he also feels that as time goes by, with increasing association with the numb and blunt, his intuition and wisdom are fading

  Words are not that terrible. See what he has done. He neyer stays clear minded in class, and seldom finishes assigned homework, but was able to win a second prize in the national 0lympic contest of biology and achieve pretty high score in the NMET without hard work.

  He is now still living in his own fantasy. Genius or kook,only time can tell.



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